[HTML][HTML] Soil health and arthropods: From complex system to worthwhile investigation

C Menta, S Remelli - Insects, 2020 - mdpi.com
The dramatic increase in soil degradation in the last few decades has led to the need to
identify methods to define not only soil quality but also, in a holistic approach, soil health. In …

How agroforestry systems influence soil fauna and their functions-a review

C Marsden, A Martin-Chave, J Cortet, M Hedde… - Plant and Soil, 2020 - Springer
Background Agroforestry systems have enhanced diversity of cultivated plants compared to
monocultures, and are expected to affect associated biodiversity. Despite a growing body of …

Macrofauna edáfica: composición, variación y utilización como bioindicador según el impacto del uso y calidad del suelo

GCC Dávila, JAS Rendón… - Acta Botánica …, 2022 - revistasgeotech.com
La macrofauna edáfica como parte de la biodiversidad terrestre contribuye con importantes
servicios ecosistémicos, entre los más relevantes, el secuestro y la liberación del carbono …

Cacao agroforestry systems improve soil fertility: Comparison of soil properties between forest, cacao agroforestry systems, and pasture in the Colombian Amazon

LR Suárez, JCS Salazar, F Casanoves… - Agriculture, Ecosystems …, 2021 - Elsevier
The objective of our work was to evaluate soil quality in different cacao agroforestry systems
(AFS) in the Colombian Amazon. We compared soil quality of AFS at the study site with soil …

Agroforestry systems in the Colombian Amazon improve the provision of soil ecosystem services

L Rodriguez, JC Suárez, M Pulleman, L Guaca… - Applied Soil …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract In the Colombian Amazon, the provision of soil-based ecosystem services is
threatened mainly by loss of plant cover. Methodologies are required that allow for a holistic …

[HTML][HTML] Silvopastoral systems enhance soil health in the amazon region

AM Silva-Olaya, A Olaya-Montes, KL Polanía-Hincapié… - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
Silvopastoral systems (SPS), an integrated farming system in which tropical grasses are
combined with trees and shrubs, have been implemented in the last years in the Amazon …

[HTML][HTML] Relación de la biota edáfica con las propiedades físicas y químicas del suelo en cinco pastizales de la provincia Granma

L Chávez-Suárez, I Rodríguez-García… - Pastos y …, 2023 - scielo.sld.cu
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre algunas propiedades químicas, físicas y biológicas
del suelo y el componente vegetal en agroecosistemas de pastizales de la provincia …

The effect of different levels of tree cover on milk production in dual-purpose livestock systems in the humid tropics of the Colombian Amazon region

F Álvarez, F Casanoves, JC Suárez, D Pezo - Agroforestry Systems, 2021 - Springer
Caquetá, Colombia, has a bovine population of 1,809,702 head, of which 88% are in dual
purpose livestock systems; it ranks fifth in milk production at the national level. The aim of …

[HTML][HTML] Diversity and abundance of soil macrofauna in three land use systems in eastern Amazonia

WLF Vasconcelos, DM Rodrigues… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
Given the influence of edaphic macrofauna in the physical, chemical, and biological
processes that sustain the organic matter cycle in the soil of tropical ecosystems, this study …

Potential of slash-and-mulch system with legumes to conserve soil attributes and macrofauna diversity in Eastern Amazon

G Rousseau, J Burgos-Guerrero, L Hernández-García… - Pedobiologia, 2022 - Elsevier
Slash-and-burn agriculture has been practiced for thousands of years in the tropics and is
sustainable in conditions of low population density, and long fallow. However, the …