[HTML][HTML] 3D-measurement of particles and particulate assemblies-A review of the paradigm shift in describing anisotropic particles
The goal of seeking advanced solutions to the descriptions of particle shape, packing and
tomographic measurement were key areas promoted by Professor Reg Davies. In this paper …
tomographic measurement were key areas promoted by Professor Reg Davies. In this paper …
Exploring the micro-to-macro response of granular soils with real particle shapes by way of μCT-aided DEM analyses
This contribution provides high-fidelity images of real granular materials with the aid of X-ray
micro-computed tomography (μCT), and employs a multi-sphere representation to …
micro-computed tomography (μCT), and employs a multi-sphere representation to …
Analyzing the mechanical behavior of granular materials: a multi-morphological approach using spherical harmonics and ls-dem
This paper investigates the micro-to-macro response of granular materials influenced by
multi-scale morphological characteristics using spherical harmonics and LS-DEM. Our …
multi-scale morphological characteristics using spherical harmonics and LS-DEM. Our …
Effect of gravity on granular material flows
H Zheng, W Niu, W Mao, Y Huang - Computers and Geotechnics, 2024 - Elsevier
Most geohazards and industrial processes are essentially gravity-driven dense granular
flows. Deep understanding of the effect of gravity on granular flow is of crucial importance in …
flows. Deep understanding of the effect of gravity on granular flow is of crucial importance in …
3D printing-aided numerical study of particle shape effect on behaviours of dry granular flows interacting with rigid barriers
Particle shape plays a crucial role in determining the mobility and impact characteristics of
granular flows, yet analyses of the effects of particle shape are rare. In this study, three …
granular flows, yet analyses of the effects of particle shape are rare. In this study, three …
DEM analysis of the load transfer mechanism of sand-rubber mixtures subjected to constrained compression
Despite the significant progresses in the multi-scale studies of sand-rubber mixtures, the
load-transfer mechanism within the soft-rigid granulate networks is highly unexplored. In this …
load-transfer mechanism within the soft-rigid granulate networks is highly unexplored. In this …
GPGPU-Parallelized Data-Driven Hierarchical Multiscale 3D FDEM for Rock Meso-macro-numerical Simulation
A hierarchical multiscale three-dimensional (3D) FDEM approach is employed to investigate
the meso–macro-mechanical response of rock. The core of the multiscale approach involves …
the meso–macro-mechanical response of rock. The core of the multiscale approach involves …
Understanding the influence of drained cyclic preloading on liquefaction resistance of sands using DEM-clump modeling
The soils in situ are subjected to various types of preloading histories. Extensive work has
been devoted to understanding the impact of undrained preloading with different strain …
been devoted to understanding the impact of undrained preloading with different strain …
Modeling the elastic–plastic contact forces and deformations of nonrotationally symmetric lunar dust particles
Y Feng, J Liu, R Li, H Jia, Y Cui - Acta Astronautica, 2025 - Elsevier
The sharp morphological features of lunar dust particles generate significant elastic–plastic
contact forces and deformations upon contact with material surfaces, which considerably …
contact forces and deformations upon contact with material surfaces, which considerably …
Experimental study on mode I fracture characteristics of heated granite subjected to water and liquid nitrogen cooling treatments
Liquid nitrogen (LN 2) cryogenic fracturing, as a kind of waterless fracturing, is being
considered for its potential to enhance the permeability of hot dry rock (HDR) reservoirs. The …
considered for its potential to enhance the permeability of hot dry rock (HDR) reservoirs. The …