Tabu search and adaptive memory programming—advances, applications and challenges

F Glover - Interfaces in computer science and operations …, 1997 - Springer
ABSTRACT College of Business, CB 419 University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 email:
Fred. Glover@ colorado. edu Tabu search (TS) has provided advances for solving difficult …

Metaheuristics: A bibliography

IH Osman, G Laporte - Annals of Operations research, 1996 - Springer
Metaheuristics are the most exciting development in approximate optimization techniques of
the last two decades. They have had widespread successes in attacking a variety of difficult …

Local search genetic algorithm for optimal design of reliable networks

B Dengiz, F Altiparmak, AE Smith - IEEE transactions on …, 1997 -
This paper presents a genetic algorithm (GA) with specialized encoding, initialization, and
local search operators to optimize the design of communication network topologies. This NP …

[КНИГА][B] Evolutionary optimization

R Sarker, M Mohammadian, X Yao - 2002 -
Evolutionary computation techniques have attracted increasing att-tions in recent years for
solving complex optimization problems. They are more robust than traditional methods …

All-terminal network reliability optimization via probabilistic solution discovery

JE Ramirez-Marquez, CM Rocco - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new algorithm that can be readily applied to solve the all-terminal
network reliability allocation problems. The optimization problem solved considers the …

A tabu search algorithm for frequency assignment

DJ Castelino, S Hurley, NM Stephens - Annals of Operations Research, 1996 - Springer
This paper presents the application of a tabu search algorithm for solving the frequency
assignment problem. This problem, known to be NP-hard, is to find an assignment of …

Optimal design of reliable computer networks: A comparison of metaheuristics

F Altiparmak, B Dengiz, AE Smith - Journal of heuristics, 2003 - Springer
In many computer communications network design problems, such as those faced by
hospitals, universities, research centers, and water distribution systems, the topology is fixed …

Reliability optimization of topology communication network design using an improved ant colony optimization

K Watcharasitthiwat, P Wardkein - Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2009 - Elsevier
Network design problem is a well-known NP-hard problem which involves the selection of a
subset of possible links or a network topology in order to minimize the network cost …

A multi-objective optimization model for a reliable generalized flow network design

M Dehghani, V Vahdat, M Amiri, E Rabiei… - Computers & Industrial …, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Design of a reliable network in presence of flow loss has become the primary
objective of today's network designers. However, there are other important conflicting …

[HTML][HTML] A dynamic programming approach for layout optimization of interconnection networks

PK Tripathy, RK Dash, CR Tripathy - Engineering Science and Technology …, 2015 - Elsevier
The reliability and cost are two important performance measures of an interconnection
network. Both these aspects need to be attended at the layout design stage for an …