Top eigenvalue of a random matrix: large deviations and third order phase transition
We study the fluctuations of the largest eigenvalue λ max of N× N random matrices in the
limit of large N. The main focus is on Gaussian β ensembles, including in particular the …
limit of large N. The main focus is on Gaussian β ensembles, including in particular the …
Entanglement is necessary for optimal quantum property testing
There has been a surge of progress in recent years in develo** algorithms for testing and
learning quantum states that achieve optimal copy complexity 1–6. Unfortunately, they …
learning quantum states that achieve optimal copy complexity 1–6. Unfortunately, they …
Counting statistics of transport through Coulomb blockade nanostructures: High-order cumulants and non-Markovian effects
Recent experimental progress has made it possible to detect in real-time single electrons
tunneling through Coulomb blockade nanostructures, thereby allowing for precise …
tunneling through Coulomb blockade nanostructures, thereby allowing for precise …
Full counting statistics of 1d short range Riesz gases in confinement
We investigate the full counting statistics of a harmonically confined 1d short range Riesz
gas consisting of N particles in equilibrium at finite temperature. The particles interact with …
gas consisting of N particles in equilibrium at finite temperature. The particles interact with …
Moments of the position of the maximum for GUE characteristic polynomials and for log-correlated Gaussian processes
We study three instances of log-correlated processes on the interval: the logarithm of the
Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) characteristic polynomial, the Gaussian log-correlated …
Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) characteristic polynomial, the Gaussian log-correlated …
Tau-Function Theory of Chaotic Quantum Transport with β = 1, 2, 4
We study the cumulants and their generating functions of the probability distributions of the
conductance, shot noise and Wigner delay time in ballistic quantum dots. Our approach is …
conductance, shot noise and Wigner delay time in ballistic quantum dots. Our approach is …
An exact formula for the variance of linear statistics in the one-dimensional jellium model
An exact formula for the variance of linear statistics in the one-dimensional jellium model -
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IOPscience This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this site you agree to our use of cookies …
Moments of the transmission eigenvalues, proper delay times, and random matrix theory. I
We develop a method to compute the moments of the eigenvalue densities of matrices in the
Gaussian, Laguerre, and Jacobi ensembles for all the symmetry classes β∈{1, 2, 4} and …
Gaussian, Laguerre, and Jacobi ensembles for all the symmetry classes β∈{1, 2, 4} and …
Recursion scheme for the largest -Wishart–Laguerre eigenvalue and Landauer conductance in quantum transport
The largest eigenvalue distribution of the Wishart–Laguerre ensemble, indexed by Dyson
parameter and Laguerre parameter a, is fundamental in multivariate statistics and finds …
parameter and Laguerre parameter a, is fundamental in multivariate statistics and finds …
Probability distributions of linear statistics in chaotic cavities and associated phase transitions
We establish large deviation formulas for linear statistics on the N transmission eigenvalues
{T i} of a chaotic cavity, in the framework of random matrix theory. Given any linear statistics …
{T i} of a chaotic cavity, in the framework of random matrix theory. Given any linear statistics …