[HTML][HTML] Substantiation of agroecological factors on soybean agrophytocenoses by analysis of variance of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe in Ukraine

I Didur, M Bakhmat, O Сhynchyk… - Ukrainian Journal of …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
We presented the analysis of agroecological factors, which provides development of
regulations in the application of alternative fertilizers for soybean cultivation with short-term …

[PDF][PDF] Ecological suitability peas (Pisum Sativum) varieties to climate change in Ukraine

V Mazur, O Tkachuk, H Pantsyreva, I Kupchuk… - 2021 - dspace.emu.ee
The varieties of peas can realize about 50% of their productive potential. One of the main
reasons for this is the wrong choice of variety for specific ecological growing conditions …

Social-and-ecological aspects of forage production reform in Ukraine in the early 21st century

V Puyu, M Bakhmat, Y Khmelianchyshyn… - European Journal of …, 2021 - ojs.ecsdev.org
On the basis of the" three sigma" rule, a statistical stratification of the Ukrainian effective
community into economic welfare groups according to their social and economic status has …

Bioenergy and economic efficiency technological methods growing of switchgrass

VA Mazur, YY Branitskyi… - Ukrainian Journal of …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
The results of the conducted research show that the formation of bioenergy and economic
efficiency of the phytomassswitchgrass–raw materials for biofuel production depends both …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of fertilizers for Phaseolus vulgaris L. productivity in Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

I Didur, O Сhynchyk, H Pantsyreva… - Ukrainian Journal of …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
The scientific article summarizes the improving the efficiency of growing legumes by
selecting varieties, primary tillage mode, and optimization of plant nutrition in the Western …

Агробіологічні основи вирощування сої та шляхи максимальної реалізації її продуктивності

ГМ Заболотний, ВА Мазур… - … 6 від 18. 12. 2020 р …, 2020 - socrates.vsau.edu.ua
У монографії представлені результати досліджень факультету агрономії та лісівництва
Вінницького національного аграрного університету на базі дослідного господарства …

Features of the soybean photosynthetic productivity indicators formation depending on the foliar nutrition

V Bondarenko, R Havrylianchik… - … . 2022. Vol. 28. P …, 2022 - socrates.vsau.org
The three-year research findings prove that foliar nutrition with trace elements influences the
dynamics ofleaf surface formation, dry matter accumulation, and soybean photosynthetic net …

Innovative methods of drying rapeseeds using microwave energy

V Bandura, I Bezbah, I Kupchuk… - … . 2023. Vol. 26, Issue 2. P …, 2023 - vsau.vin.ua
Rape is an important oil crop with a wide range of uses. Harvested rapeseed must be
cleaned and dried before processing. The process of drying rapeseed as a small-seeded …

[PDF][PDF] Інноваційні аспекти технологій вирощування, зберігання і переробки зернобобових культур

ВА Мазур, ІВ Гончарук, ІМ Дідур… - … . Вінниця. 2021. 180 …, 2021 - socrates.vsau.org
Короткий зміст монографії. Серед ресурсів життєзабезпечення суспільства
продовольство посідає найголовніше місце. Україна є провідним виробником …

[HTML][HTML] The influence of bio-organic growing technology on the productivity of legumins

H Pantsyreva, K Mazur - Colloquium-journal, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
The article provides information about the current state of grain production from legumes.
Data on the dynamics of their sown areas and yield levels are summarized. Also …