Low cost hydrogen production by anion exchange membrane electrolysis: A review
I Vincent, D Bessarabov - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
Anion exchange membrane (AEM) water electrolysis is a hydrogen production method that
is achieved with an AEM, using electricity. One of the major advantages of AEM water …
is achieved with an AEM, using electricity. One of the major advantages of AEM water …
Ion exchange membranes: New developments and applications
Ion exchange membranes (IEMs) have great potential in diverse applications and play
prominent roles in addressing energy and environment related issues. Over the past …
prominent roles in addressing energy and environment related issues. Over the past …
Poly (arylene piperidinium) hydroxide ion exchange membranes: synthesis, alkaline stability, and conductivity
A series of poly (arylene piperidinium) s (PAPipQs) devoid of any alkali‐sensitive aryl ether
bonds or benzylic sites are prepared and studied as anion exchange membranes (AEMs) for …
bonds or benzylic sites are prepared and studied as anion exchange membranes (AEMs) for …
Sustainion imidazolium‐functionalized polymers for carbon dioxide electrolysis
CO2 electrolysis is a key step in CO2 conversion into fuels and chemicals as a way of
mitigating climate change. We report the synthesis and testing of a series of new anion …
mitigating climate change. We report the synthesis and testing of a series of new anion …
“Windmill” shaped branched anion-conducting poly (aryl piperidine) with extra molecular interaction sites as new anion exchange membranes
Q Liu, S Zhang, L Tian, J Li, W Ma, F Wang… - Journal of Power …, 2023 - Elsevier
In order to optimize the ion transport capacity and chemical stability, precisely control over
the polyelectrolyte structure, and the" windmill" shaped branched poly (aryl piperidine) basic …
the polyelectrolyte structure, and the" windmill" shaped branched poly (aryl piperidine) basic …
Towards highly efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction: Cell designs, membranes and electrocatalysts
An increase in atmospheric CO 2 concentration is directly associated with the rising
concerns of climate change and energy issues. The development of effective technologies …
concerns of climate change and energy issues. The development of effective technologies …
A review of alternative polymer electrolyte membrane for fuel cell application based on sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone)
A proton exchange membrane (PEM) is a crucial component in a fuel cell application as a
proton carrier and separator for the anode and cathode. Sulfonated poly (ether ketone …
proton carrier and separator for the anode and cathode. Sulfonated poly (ether ketone …
Side-chain cation-grafted poly (biphenyl piperidine) membranes for anion exchange membrane fuel cells
Q Liu, W Ma, L Tian, J Li, L Yang, F Wang… - Journal of Power …, 2022 - Elsevier
To achieve high-performance anion exchange membranes (AEMs) with superior
conductivity and stability, a series of novel poly (biphenyl piperidinium)(PBP-n-Pip) …
conductivity and stability, a series of novel poly (biphenyl piperidinium)(PBP-n-Pip) …
Di-piperidinium-crosslinked poly (fluorenyl-co-terphenyl piperidinium) s for high-performance alkaline exchange membrane fuel cells
Modern anion exchange membrane (AEM) fuel cells (AEMFCs) call for highly conductive,
durable, and mechanically tough AEMs and ionomers. Here, we report a series of scalable …
durable, and mechanically tough AEMs and ionomers. Here, we report a series of scalable …
Anion exchange membranes and ionomer properties of a polyfluorene-based polymer with alkyl spacers for water electrolysis
Aryl ether-free polymers have attracted considerable attention in recent years for their
application in anion exchange membrane (AEM) fuel cells (AEMFCs) and water electrolysis …
application in anion exchange membrane (AEM) fuel cells (AEMFCs) and water electrolysis …