The Eurozone and political economic institutions
This review sets out a recently developed comparative political economy literature on the
Eurozone, which has a basis in both varieties of capitalism and modern macroeconomics. It …
Eurozone, which has a basis in both varieties of capitalism and modern macroeconomics. It …
State-building and the European Union: Markets, War, and Europe's Uneven political development
The European Union's institutional development is highly imbalanced. It has established
robust legal authority and institutions, but it remains weak or impotent in terms of its …
robust legal authority and institutions, but it remains weak or impotent in terms of its …
What to expect from European identity? Explaining support for solidarity in times of crisis
S Verhaegen - Comparative European Politics, 2018 - Springer
Having a European identity is expected to influence citizens' attitudes and behaviour
towards the EU community. European identity is indeed positively related to support for EU …
towards the EU community. European identity is indeed positively related to support for EU …
In this together? Support for European fiscal integration in the COVID-19 crisis
European fiscal integration is highly controversial and is assumed to lead to a Eurosceptic
backlash among the public. Yet, in a historical decision in July 2020, European governments …
backlash among the public. Yet, in a historical decision in July 2020, European governments …
The politics of international redistribution: Explaining public support for fiscal transfers in the EU
As a consequence of the Eurozone crisis and the creation of the European Stability
Mechanism (ESM), the prospect of a transfer union has become a particularly contested …
Mechanism (ESM), the prospect of a transfer union has become a particularly contested …
Political conflict in the reform of the Eurozone
T Lehner, F Wasserfallen - European Union Politics, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
The negotiations on the reforms of the Economic and Monetary Union were highly
conflictual. This article analyses the dimensions of conflict that structured these negotiations …
conflictual. This article analyses the dimensions of conflict that structured these negotiations …
[KNYGA][B] The politics of bad options: why the Eurozone's problems have been so hard to resolve
Why did the Eurozone crisis prove to be so difficult to resolve? Why was it resolved in a
manner in which some countries bore a much larger share of the pain than other countries …
manner in which some countries bore a much larger share of the pain than other countries …
Policy design and domestic support for international bailouts
Financial bailouts for ailing Eurozone countries face deep and widespread opposition
among voters in donor countries, casting major doubts over the political feasibility of further …
among voters in donor countries, casting major doubts over the political feasibility of further …
Till austerity do us part? A survey experiment on support for the euro in Italy
The COVID-19 pandemic worsened Italy's fiscal outlook by increasing public debt. If interest
rates were to rise, it would become more likely that Italy experiences a financial crisis and …
rates were to rise, it would become more likely that Italy experiences a financial crisis and …
[HTML][HTML] Regional inequalities and transnational solidarity in the European Union
Amid the eurocrisis, scholars and policy makers sought to establish an EU-wide layer of
social policy, aiming to ensure common standards through the EU and to provide a degree …
social policy, aiming to ensure common standards through the EU and to provide a degree …