Review of hyperdispersal in wildlife translocations

J Bilby, K Moseby - Conservation Biology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Species translocation is a common tool to reverse biodiversity loss, but it has a high failure
rate. One factor that contributes to failure is postrelease hyperdispersal, which we define as …

Adapting reintroduction tactics in successive trials increases the likelihood of establishment for an endangered carnivore in a fenced sanctuary

BA Wilson, MJ Evans, WG Batson, SC Banks… - PLoS …, 2020 -
Threatened species recovery programs are increasingly turning to reintroductions to reverse
biodiversity loss. Here we present a real-world example where tactics (techniques which …

[HTML][HTML] Return to 1616: Multispecies Fauna Reconstruction Requires Thinking Outside the Box

S Cowen, C Sims, K Ottewell, F Knox, T Friend, H Mills… - Animals, 2023 -
Simple Summary Efforts are underway to restore the largest island in Western Australia to an
ecological state similar to how it was when Europeans first visited the island in 1616. This …

[HTML][HTML] Wildlife restoration in fragmented landscapes: Trialling wild-to-wild translocation with two common reptiles

DM Westaway, CJ Jolly, DM Watson, MJ Watson… - Biological …, 2024 - Elsevier
Translocations are an increasingly popular conservation tool, although their use to date has
been largely reactive, often attempting to stave off the extinction of threatened species …

[HTML][HTML] Conservation prioritisation of genomic diversity to inform management of a declining mammal species

B von Takach, SF Cameron, T Cremona… - Biological …, 2024 - Elsevier
In our present age of extinction, conservation managers must use limited resources
efficiently to conserve species and the genetic diversity within them. To conserve …

Mini Safe Havens for population recovery and reintroductions 'beyond-the-fence'

KJ Smith, MJ Evans, IJ Gordon, JC Pierson… - Biodiversity and …, 2023 - Springer
In response to the ongoing decline of fauna worldwide, there has been growing interest in
the rewilding of whole ecosystems outside of fenced sanctuaries or offshore islands. This …

Effect of translocation on home range and movements of giant gartersnakes

AM Nguyen, BJ Halstead, BD Todd - Global Ecology and Conservation, 2024 - Elsevier
Conservation translocations are often used to connect disjunct populations or reintroduce
them to otherwise suitable areas from which they have become locally extinct …

Diversity and endemism of the marsupials of Australia's arid zone

CR Dickman, CR Pavey - American and Australasian marsupials: an …, 2023 - Springer
The arid and semiarid regions of Australia encompass about three quarters of the continent.
This vast area–the arid zone–is characterized by very varied habitats and landscapes and …

Factors influencing the success of hand-reared juvenile brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) released into the wild

VSA Mella, C Gillies, C McArthur, E Webb… - Wildlife …, 2022 - CSIRO Publishing
Context Wildlife is ubiquitous in urban environments, resulting in frequent interactions with
humans and human infrastructure. The result of these interactions is often negative, in the …

The challenge of designing meaningful performance measures for evaluating the success of conservation translocations

SJ Cowen, JD Richards, C Sims… - Animal …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Conservation translocation is a valuable management tool for conserving and restoring
biodiversity. Conservation managers and researchers strive for translocation success and …