A comparative study of architecture knowledge management tools
Recent research suggests that architectural knowledge, such as design decisions, is
important and should be recorded alongside the architecture description. Different …
important and should be recorded alongside the architecture description. Different …
[KNJIGA][B] Software architecture knowledge management
A software architecture manifests the major early design decisions. These early decisions
determine the system's development, deployment and evolution. Thus, making better …
determine the system's development, deployment and evolution. Thus, making better …
[HTML][HTML] The vision of on-demand architectural knowledge systems as a decision-making companion
Cobbler's children do not wear shoes. Software engineers build sophisticated software but
we often cannot find the needed information and knowledge for ourselves. Issues are the …
we often cannot find the needed information and knowledge for ourselves. Issues are the …
Enriching software architecture documentation
The effective documentation of Architectural Knowledge (AK) is one of the key factors in
leveraging the paradigm shift toward sharing and reusing AK. However, current …
leveraging the paradigm shift toward sharing and reusing AK. However, current …
The lonesome architect
Although the benefits are well-known and undisputed, sharing architectural knowledge is
not something architects automatically do. In an attempt to better understand what architects …
not something architects automatically do. In an attempt to better understand what architects …
Knowledge based quality-driven architecture design and evaluation
Modelling and evaluating quality properties of software is of high importance, especially
when our every day life depends on the quality of services produced by systems and …
when our every day life depends on the quality of services produced by systems and …
Software architecture design reasoning: a case for improved methodology support
Software architecture design is a critical aspect of develo** large-scale software systems.
However, the practice of architecture design reasoning is immature, partly because of a lack …
However, the practice of architecture design reasoning is immature, partly because of a lack …
Mining software architecture knowledge: Classifying stack overflow posts using machine learning
Abstract Software Architectural Process (SAP) is a core and excessively knowledge
intensive phase of software development life cycle, as it consumes and produces knowledge …
intensive phase of software development life cycle, as it consumes and produces knowledge …
A just-in-time architectural knowledge sharing portal
R Farenhorst, R Izaks, P Lago… - Seventh Working IEEE …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In recent years, management of architectural knowledge has become a more prominent
theme in software architecture research. Although various specialized tools have been …
theme in software architecture research. Although various specialized tools have been …
Tools and technologies for architecture knowledge management
As management of architectural knowledge becomes vital for improving an organization's
architectural capabilities, support for (semi-) automating this management is required. There …
architectural capabilities, support for (semi-) automating this management is required. There …