Ecological and evolutionary implications of food subsidies from humans
Human activities are the main current driver of global change. From hunter‐gatherers
through to Neolithic societies–and particularly in contemporary industrialised countries …
through to Neolithic societies–and particularly in contemporary industrialised countries …
Interactive effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation on birds across different climate zones: A mechanistic perspective
Climate change and urbanisation are among the most pervasive and rapidly growing threats
to biodiversity worldwide. However, their impacts are usually considered in isolation, and …
to biodiversity worldwide. However, their impacts are usually considered in isolation, and …
Large scale risk-assessment of wind-farms on population viability of a globally endangered long-lived raptor
Wind-farms receive public and governmental support as an alternative energy source
mitigating air pollution. However, they can have adverse effects on wildlife, particularly …
mitigating air pollution. However, they can have adverse effects on wildlife, particularly …
Supplementary feeding and endangered avian scavengers: benefits, caveats, and controversies
Large avian scavengers are among the most vulnerable vertebrates, and many of their
populations have declined severely in recent decades. To help mitigate this marked …
populations have declined severely in recent decades. To help mitigate this marked …
Potential consequences of discard reform for seabird communities
Upcoming reform of the E uropean U nion (EU) C ommon F isheries P olicy will be the
biggest change in E uropean fisheries management for a generation. A central plank of this …
biggest change in E uropean fisheries management for a generation. A central plank of this …
Effectiveness of population‐based recovery actions for threatened southern mountain caribou
Habitat loss is affecting many species, including the southern mountain caribou (Rangifer
tarandus caribou) population in western North America. Over the last half century, this …
tarandus caribou) population in western North America. Over the last half century, this …
How predictability of feeding patches affects home range and foraging habitat selection in avian social scavengers?
Feeding stations are commonly used to sustain conservation programs of scavengers but
their impact on behaviour is still debated. They increase the temporal and spatial …
their impact on behaviour is still debated. They increase the temporal and spatial …
Floater strategies and dynamics in birds, and their importance in conservation biology: towards an understanding of nonbreeders in avian populations
Over the past 40 years, the study of animal populations has shifted from a relatively simple
science that assumed the most crucial regulating mechanisms were the intrinsic properties …
science that assumed the most crucial regulating mechanisms were the intrinsic properties …
Behavioral causes, ecological consequences, and management challenges associated with wildlife foraging in human-modified landscapes
Humans have altered up to half of the world's land surface. Wildlife living within or close to
these human-modified landscapes are presented with opportunities and risks associated …
these human-modified landscapes are presented with opportunities and risks associated …
Sanitary versus environmental policies: fitting together two pieces of the puzzle of European vulture conservation
Between 1996 and 2000 the appearance of bovine spongiform encephalopathy swiftly
became one of the most serious public health and political crises concerning food safety …
became one of the most serious public health and political crises concerning food safety …