Topological point defects in nematic liquid crystals

M Kleman, OD Lavrentovich - Philosophical Magazine, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Point defects in nematics, also called hedgehogs, are topological entities that have no
equivalent in ordered atomic solids, despite the homonymy. They have been the subject of …

Holographic metasurface gas sensors for instantaneous visual alarms

I Kim, WS Kim, K Kim, MA Ansari, MQ Mehmood… - Science …, 2021 -
The rapid detection of biological and chemical substances in real time is particularly
important for public health and environmental monitoring and in the military sector. If the …

[KNYGA][B] Smectic and columnar liquid crystals: concepts and physical properties illustrated by experiments

P Oswald, P Pieranski - 2005 -
Based on graduate lectures given by the authors, Smectic and Columnar Liquid Crystals:
Concepts and Physical Properties Illustrated by Experiments examines lamellar (smectic) …

Helfrich-Hurault elastic instabilities driven by geometrical frustration

C Blanc, G Durey, RD Kamien, T Lopez-Leon… - Reviews of Modern …, 2023 - APS
The Helfrich-Hurault (HH) elastic instability is a well-known mechanism behind patterns that
form as a result of strain upon liquid crystal systems with periodic ground states. In the HH …

Surface effects and anchoring in liquid crystals

B Jerome - Reports on progress in physics, 1991 -
As their name indicates, liquid crystals simultaneously exhibit some characteristics common
to both ordinary isotropic liquids and solid crystals. This ambivalence is also found in the …

The cosmological Kibble mechanism in the laboratory: string formation in liquid crystals

MJ Bowick, L Chandar, EA Schiff, AM Srivastava - Science, 1994 -
The production of strings (disclination lines and loops) has been observed by means of the
Kibble mechanism of domain (bubble) formation in the isotropic-nematic phase transition of …

[KNYGA][B] Structure of liquid crystal phases

PS Pershan - 1988 -
Current understanding of different phases as well as the phase transitions between them
has only been achieved following recent theoretical advances on the effects of …

Morphogenesis of defects and tactoids during isotropic–nematic phase transition in self-assembled lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals

YK Kim, SV Shiyanovskii… - Journal of Physics …, 2013 -
We explore the structure of nuclei and topological defects in the first-order phase transition
between the nematic (N) and isotropic (I) phases in lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals …

Molecular design and computer simulations of novel mesophases

C Zannoni - Journal of materials chemistry, 2001 -
The simulation of systems of simple particles interacting through a suitable model potential
allows the identification of the essential physical features (anisotropy and biaxiality …

Temperature dependence of the anchoring strength at a nematic liquid crystal‐evaporated SiO interface

H Yokoyama, S Kobayashi, H Kamei - Journal of applied physics, 1987 -
The out‐of‐plane anchoring strength at the interface between 4‐n‐pentyl‐4′‐
cyanobiphenyl (5CB) and an obliquely evaporated SiO was measured as a function of …