[PDF][PDF] Water distribution network robustness and fragmentation using graph metrics
KA Hawick - Proc. Int. Conf. on Water Resource Management …, 2012 - researchgate.net
Achieving reliable water distribution from reservoirs to points of consumption is an important
problem in many countries. Water distribution systems are often highly complex networks …
problem in many countries. Water distribution systems are often highly complex networks …
[PDF][PDF] Betweenness centrality metrics for assessing electrical power network robustness against fragmentation and node failure
KA Hawick - Proc. International Conference on Power and Energy …, 2012 - researchgate.net
Electrical power distribution networks are generally constructed incrementally over time and
designs are heavily influenced by spatial geography. Assessing the robustness of electrical …
designs are heavily influenced by spatial geography. Assessing the robustness of electrical …
Node-failure and islanding in national grid scale electricity distribution networks
KA Hawick, N Shore - Proc. Int. Conf. Power and Energy Systems …, 2012 - actapress.com
Electrical power distribution networks are becoming more complex with increased variability
in the type and properties of power station generators. National grid scale distribution …
in the type and properties of power station generators. National grid scale distribution …
Scaling Properties of Minimal Spanning Trees in Simulated Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
KA Hawick - Proceedings of the International Conference on …, 2016 - search.proquest.com
Ad hoc networks of sensors or other deployable and mobile devices can have surprisingly
complex emergent properties arising from combinations of individual interactive effects. We …
complex emergent properties arising from combinations of individual interactive effects. We …
[PDF][PDF] Node-Failure and Islanding in National Grid Scale Electricity Distribution
KA Hawick - Proc. Int. Conf. Power and Energy Systems and … - researchgate.net
Electrical power distribution networks are becoming more complex with increased variability
in the type and properties of power station generators. National grid scale distribution …
in the type and properties of power station generators. National grid scale distribution …
[CITATA][C] Betweenness Centrality Metrics for Assessing Electrical Power Network
KA Hawick - Proc. International Conference on Power and Energy … - IASTED