Scene perception in the human brain
Humans are remarkably adept at perceiving and understanding complex real-world scenes.
Uncovering the neural basis of this ability is an important goal of vision science …
Uncovering the neural basis of this ability is an important goal of vision science …
Early false-belief understanding
Intense controversy surrounds the question of when children first understand that others can
hold false beliefs. Results from traditional tasks suggest that false-belief understanding does …
hold false beliefs. Results from traditional tasks suggest that false-belief understanding does …
[KNYGA][B] Fundamentals of cognition
MW Eysenck, M Brysbaert - 2018 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Is it possible to learn something without being aware of it? How does emotion influence the
way we think? How can we improve our memory? Fundamentals of Cognition, third edition …
way we think? How can we improve our memory? Fundamentals of Cognition, third edition …
Decoding the content of visual short-term memory under distraction in occipital and parietal areas
Recent studies have provided conflicting accounts regarding where in the human brain
visual short-term memory (VSTM) content is stored, with strong univariate fMRI responses …
visual short-term memory (VSTM) content is stored, with strong univariate fMRI responses …
A taxonomy of external and internal attention
Attention is a core property of all perceptual and cognitive operations. Given limited capacity
to process competing options, attentional mechanisms select, modulate, and sustain focus …
to process competing options, attentional mechanisms select, modulate, and sustain focus …
Reevaluating the sensory account of visual working memory storage
Y Xu - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2017 - cell.com
Recent human fMRI pattern-decoding studies have highlighted the involvement of sensory
areas in visual working memory (VWM) tasks and argue for a sensory account of VWM …
areas in visual working memory (VWM) tasks and argue for a sensory account of VWM …
The neural basis of attentional control in visual search
M Eimer - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2014 - cell.com
How do we localise and identify target objects among distractors in visual scenes? The role
of selective attention in visual search has been studied for decades and the outlines of a …
of selective attention in visual search has been studied for decades and the outlines of a …
[HTML][HTML] Neural mechanisms of information storage in visual short-term memory
JT Serences - Vision research, 2016 - Elsevier
The capacity to briefly memorize fleeting sensory information supports visual search and
behavioral interactions with relevant stimuli in the environment. Traditionally, studies …
behavioral interactions with relevant stimuli in the environment. Traditionally, studies …
Dissociable connectivity within human angular gyrus and intraparietal sulcus: evidence from functional and structural connectivity
The inferior parietal lobule (IPL) of the human brain is a heterogeneous region involved in
visuospatial attention, memory, and mathematical cognition. Detailed description of …
visuospatial attention, memory, and mathematical cognition. Detailed description of …
Visual working memory as visual attention sustained internally over time
MM Chun - Neuropsychologia, 2011 - Elsevier
Visual working memory and visual attention are intimately related, such that working
memory encoding and maintenance reflects actively sustained attention to a limited number …
memory encoding and maintenance reflects actively sustained attention to a limited number …