[HTML][HTML] 50 Years of quantum chromodynamics: Introduction and Review
Quantum Chromodynamics, the theory of quarks and gluons, whose interactions can be
described by a local SU (3) gauge symmetry with charges called “color quantum numbers” …
described by a local SU (3) gauge symmetry with charges called “color quantum numbers” …
Modern theory of nuclear forces
Effective field theory allows for a systematic and model-independent derivation of the forces
between nucleons in harmony with the symmetries of quantum chromodynamics. The …
between nucleons in harmony with the symmetries of quantum chromodynamics. The …
Few-nucleon forces and systems in chiral effective field theory
Few-nucleon forces and systems in chiral effective field theory - ScienceDirect Skip to main
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Electromagnetic excitation of the Δ (1232)-resonance
We review the description of the lowest-energy nucleon excitation—the Δ (1232)-resonance.
Much of the recent experimental effort has been focused on the precision measurements of …
Much of the recent experimental effort has been focused on the precision measurements of …
Effective theory of the resonance in Compton scattering off the nucleon
We formulate a new power-counting scheme for a chiral effective-field theory of nucleons,
pions, and Δ s. This extends chiral perturbation theory into the Δ-resonance region. We …
pions, and Δ s. This extends chiral perturbation theory into the Δ-resonance region. We …
Using effective field theory to analyse low-energy Compton scattering data from protons and light nuclei
Compton scattering from protons and neutrons provides important insight into the structure
of the nucleon. For photon energies up to about 300 MeV, the process can be parameterised …
of the nucleon. For photon energies up to about 300 MeV, the process can be parameterised …
Improved description of the πN-scattering phenomenology at low energies in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory
We present a novel analysis of the π N scattering amplitude in covariant baryon chiral
perturbation theory up to O (p 3) within the extended-on-mass-shell renormalization scheme …
perturbation theory up to O (p 3) within the extended-on-mass-shell renormalization scheme …
Field theory of nucleon to higher-spin baryon transitions
We discuss the nucleon to higher-spin N-and Δ-resonance transitions by pions and photons.
The higher-spin baryons are described by Rarita-Schwinger fields and, as we argue, this …
The higher-spin baryons are described by Rarita-Schwinger fields and, as we argue, this …
Vector meson production and nucleon resonance analysis in a coupled-channel approach for energies I. Pion-induced results and hadronic …
We present a nucleon resonance analysis by simultaneously considering all pion-and
photon-induced experimental data on the final states γ N, π N, 2 π N, η N, K Λ, K Σ, and ω N …
photon-induced experimental data on the final states γ N, π N, 2 π N, η N, K Λ, K Σ, and ω N …
Correspondence of consistent and inconsistent spin-3/2 couplings via the equivalence theorem
The Rarita–Schwinger theory of free massive spin-3/2 field obeys the physical degrees of
freedom counting, and one can distinguish “consistent” couplings which maintain this …
freedom counting, and one can distinguish “consistent” couplings which maintain this …