Timing side-channel attacks and countermeasures in CPU microarchitectures
Microarchitectural vulnerabilities, such as Meltdown and Spectre, exploit subtle
microarchitecture state to steal the user's secret data and even compromise the operating …
microarchitecture state to steal the user's secret data and even compromise the operating …
Speculative taint tracking (stt) a comprehensive protection for speculatively accessed data
Speculative execution attacks present an enormous security threat, capable of reading
arbitrary program data under malicious speculation, and later exfiltrating that data over …
arbitrary program data under malicious speculation, and later exfiltrating that data over …
Hardware-software contracts for secure speculation
Since the discovery of Spectre, a large number of hardware mechanisms for secure
speculation has been proposed. Intuitively, more defensive mechanisms are less efficient …
speculation has been proposed. Intuitively, more defensive mechanisms are less efficient …
{DOLMA}: Securing speculation with the principle of transient {Non-Observability}
Modern processors allow attackers to leak data during transient (ie, mis-speculated)
execution through microarchitectural covert timing channels. While initial defenses were …
execution through microarchitectural covert timing channels. While initial defenses were …
Augury: Using data memory-dependent prefetchers to leak data at rest
Microarchitectural side-channel attacks are enjoying a time of explosive growth, mostly
fueled by novel transient execution vulnerabilities. These attacks are capable of leaking …
fueled by novel transient execution vulnerabilities. These attacks are capable of leaking …
Axiomatic hardware-software contracts for security
We propose leakage containment models (LCMs)---novel axiomatic security contracts which
support formally reasoning about the security guarantees of programs when they run on …
support formally reasoning about the security guarantees of programs when they run on …
Speculative interference attacks: Breaking invisible speculation schemes
Recent security vulnerabilities that target speculative execution (eg, Spectre) present a
significant challenge for processor design. These highly publicized vulnerabilities use …
significant challenge for processor design. These highly publicized vulnerabilities use …
Synchronization Storage Channels ({{{{{S2C)}}}}}: Timer-less Cache {Side-Channel} Attacks on the Apple M1 via Hardware Synchronization Instructions
Shared caches have been a prime target for mounting crossprocess/core side-channel
attacks. Fundamentally, these attacks require a mechanism to accurately observe changes …
attacks. Fundamentally, these attacks require a mechanism to accurately observe changes …
Context: A generic approach for mitigating spectre
Out-of-order execution and speculative execution are among the biggest contributors to
performance and efficiency of modern processors. However, they are inconsiderate, leaking …
performance and efficiency of modern processors. However, they are inconsiderate, leaking …
Microscope: Enabling microarchitectural replay attacks
The popularity of hardware-based Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) has recently
skyrocketed with the introduction of Intel's Software Guard Extensions (SGX). In SGX, the …
skyrocketed with the introduction of Intel's Software Guard Extensions (SGX). In SGX, the …