Who are the victims of low-carbon transitions? Towards a political ecology of climate change mitigation

BK Sovacool - Energy Research & Social Science, 2021‏ - Elsevier
This study critically examines 20 years of geography and political ecology literature on the
energy justice implications of climate change mitigation. Grounded in an expert guided …

Ecological distribution conflicts as forces for sustainability: an overview and conceptual framework

A Scheidel, L Temper, F Demaria, J Martínez-Alier - Sustainability science, 2018‏ - Springer
Can ecological distribution conflicts turn into forces for sustainability? This overview paper
addresses in a systematic conceptual manner the question of why, through whom, how, and …

Riverhood: political ecologies of socionature commoning and translocal struggles for water justice

R Boelens, A Escobar, K Bakker… - The Journal of …, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
Mega-damming, pollution and depletion endanger rivers worldwide. Meanwhile, modernist
imaginaries of ordering 'unruly waters and humans' have become cornerstones of hydraulic …

The Global Environmental Justice Atlas (EJAtlas): ecological distribution conflicts as forces for sustainability

L Temper, F Demaria, A Scheidel, D Del Bene… - Sustainability …, 2018‏ - Springer
The environmental movement may be “the most comprehensive and influential movement of
our time”(Castells 1997: 67), representing for the 'post-industrial'age what the workers' …

A perspective on radical transformations to sustainability: resistances, movements and alternatives

L Temper, M Walter, I Rodriguez, A Kothari… - Sustainability Science, 2018‏ - Springer
A transformation to sustainability calls for radical and systemic societal shifts. Yet what this
entails in practice and who the agents of this radical transformation are require further …

[PDF][PDF] Commons grabbing and agribusiness: Violence, resistance and social mobilization

J Dell'Angelo, G Navas, M Witteman, G D'alisa… - Ecological …, 2021‏ - academia.edu
The recent phenomenon of large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) is associated with what
has been described as a global agrarian transition. New forms of land exploitation and …

Radical social innovations and the spatialities of grassroots activism: navigating pathways for tackling inequality and reinventing the commons

E Apostolopoulou… - Journal of …, 2022‏ - research-repository.st-andrews.ac …
In this article, by drawing on empirical evidence from twelve case studies from nine countries
from across the Global South and North, we ask how radical grassroots social innovations …

Commons movements: Old and new trends in rural and urban contexts

S Villamayor-Tomas… - Annual Review of …, 2021‏ - annualreviews.org
Over the past few years, studies in political ecology and environmental justice have been
increasingly connecting the commons and social movements empirically, giving shape to a …

Scaling up but losing out? Water commons' dilemmas between transnational movements and grassroots struggles in Latin America

E Dupuits, M Baud, R Boelens, F De Castro… - Ecological …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
In the context of globalizing transboundary environmental challenges, strategies to protect
and secure the local commons such as water resources have been increasingly scaled up …

Towards a science of 'land grabbing'

C Liao, A Agrawal - Land Use Policy, 2024‏ - Elsevier
In the past two decades, large-scale land transactions (LSLTs), commonly known as land
grabs or large-scale land acquisitions, have been pursued by agricultural investors and host …