Evolution, modification, and deformation of continental lithosphere: Insights from the eastern margin of north America
Continental lithosphere is deformed, destroyed, or otherwise modified in several ways.
Processes that modify the lithosphere include subduction, terrane accretion, orogenesis …
Processes that modify the lithosphere include subduction, terrane accretion, orogenesis …
[HTML][HTML] On the nature of the Cimmerian Continent
Abstract The Cimmerian Continent is the narrow continental strip that rifted from the
northeastern Gondwana-Land margin mostly during the Permian between the present-day …
northeastern Gondwana-Land margin mostly during the Permian between the present-day …
P and S wave tomography of the mantle beneath the United States
Mantle seismic structure beneath the United States spanning from the active western plate
margin to the passive eastern margin was imaged with teleseismic P and S wave traveltime …
margin to the passive eastern margin was imaged with teleseismic P and S wave traveltime …
Sampling the volatile-rich transition zone beneath Bermuda
Intraplate magmatic provinces found away from plate boundaries provide direct sampling of
the composition and heterogeneity of the Earth's mantle. The chemical heterogeneities that …
the composition and heterogeneity of the Earth's mantle. The chemical heterogeneities that …
Where and when did the Paleo-Asian ocean form?
The closure of the long-lived Paleo-Asian Ocean generated the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
(CAOB). However, the tectonic history and circumstances of where and when this ocean …
(CAOB). However, the tectonic history and circumstances of where and when this ocean …
Supercontinental inheritance and its influence on supercontinental breakup: The C entral A tlantic M agmatic P rovince and the breakup of P angea
Abstract The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) is the large igneous province (LIP)
that coincides with the breakup of the supercontinent Pangea. Major and trace element data …
that coincides with the breakup of the supercontinent Pangea. Major and trace element data …
Relationship between observed upper mantle structures and recent tectonic activity across the Southeastern United States
The lithospheric structure of the Southeastern United States is a product of earlier episodes
of continental collision and breakup. The region is located in the interior of the North …
of continental collision and breakup. The region is located in the interior of the North …
Uppermost mantle seismic velocity structure beneath USArray
We apply Pn tomography beneath the entire USArray footprint to image uppermost mantle
velocity structure and anisotropy, as well as crustal thickness constraints, beneath the United …
velocity structure and anisotropy, as well as crustal thickness constraints, beneath the United …
Electrical conductivity structure of southeastern North America: Implications for lithospheric architecture and Appalachian topographic rejuvenation
We present the first three-dimensional view of the lithospheric electrical conductivity
structure beneath southeastern North America. By inverting EarthScope long-period …
structure beneath southeastern North America. By inverting EarthScope long-period …
The hottest lavas of the Phanerozoic and the survival of deep Archaean reservoirs
Large igneous provinces and some hotspot volcanoes are thought to form above
thermochemical anomalies known as mantle plumes. Petrologic investigations that support …
thermochemical anomalies known as mantle plumes. Petrologic investigations that support …