Artificial intelligence incidents & ethics a narrative review
There has been a lot of media debate about “Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics” nowadays and
many scientists and researchers have shared their views on this topic. As technology is …
many scientists and researchers have shared their views on this topic. As technology is …
[HTML][HTML] A systematic review of knowledge management and new product development projects: Trends, issues, and challenges
This research aims to show that knowledge management is integral to business strategy and
can lead to more efficient new product development in high-tech companies. Organizations …
can lead to more efficient new product development in high-tech companies. Organizations …
The role of digital marketing channels on consumer buying decisions through eWOM in the Jordanian markets
As a result of the advanced technological development, the businesses operations have
been involved within modern marketing activities to promote their products and services …
been involved within modern marketing activities to promote their products and services …
The influence of supply chain partners' integrations on organizational performance: The moderating role of trust
Supply chain management and integration have become more important business topics
mainly addressed within the different businesses industries in order to influence the …
mainly addressed within the different businesses industries in order to influence the …
Machine learning for intelligent energy consumption in smart homes
A Alzoubi - International Journal of Computations, Information …, 2022 - journals.gaftim.com
The growth of personal pleasure is a direct result of a person's ability to provide themselves
with energy. Since people may construct and enhance their way of life more swiftly with …
with energy. Since people may construct and enhance their way of life more swiftly with …
Evaluating the effect of supply chain management practice on implementation of halal agroindustry and competitive advantage for small and medium enterprises
N Jahanbakhsh Javid, M Amini - International Journal of Computer …, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
Effective supply chain management (SCM) has become a potentially valuable way to secure
competitive advantage and improve organizational performance because competition is no …
competitive advantage and improve organizational performance because competition is no …
Improving home security using blockchain
N Ratkovic - International Journal of Computations, Information …, 2022 - journals.gaftim.com
The major problem with the use of smart home technology is that it often leads to various
security issues. This mainly happens because the devices use open internet connections …
security issues. This mainly happens because the devices use open internet connections …
The implementation of enterprise resource planning (Erp) in the United Arab Emirates: A case of Musanada Corporation
N Alsharari - … of Technology Innovation and Management (IJTIM …, 2022 - journals.gaftim.com
This study aims to examine the most significant factors that contributed to the system's
success (ERP), how to implement it in the Musanada Corporation in the United Arab …
success (ERP), how to implement it in the Musanada Corporation in the United Arab …
Management and treatment of type 2 diabetes
SM Butt - International Journal of Computations, Information …, 2022 - journals.gaftim.com
Diabetes is a diseas caused by insufficient insulin production by the pancreas. Diabetic
people aged 18 and older accounted for 8.5% of the total adult population in 2014. From …
people aged 18 and older accounted for 8.5% of the total adult population in 2014. From …
Internet of things connected wireless sensor networks for smart cities
Abstract The Smart City is the most complete and covered framework that meets the need of
different project facets related to the smart city. It allows the cities to use the urban network …
different project facets related to the smart city. It allows the cities to use the urban network …