Carga de la prueba y estándares de prueba: dos reminiscencias del pasado (Burden of the Proof and Standards of Proof: Two Rests from the Past)
J Nieva Fenoll - InDret, 2020 -
La carga de la prueba y los estándares de prueba son dos instituciones que provienen del
antiguo sistema de valoración legal o tasada de la prueba, en el que tenían todo su sentido …
antiguo sistema de valoración legal o tasada de la prueba, en el que tenían todo su sentido …
[HTML][HTML] Hacia un estándar de prueba civil
J Larroucau Torres - Revista chilena de derecho, 2012 - SciELO Chile
El estándar de prueba es el umbral que permite saber si un relato puede considerarse
probado dentro de un proceso. La elección del estándar de prueba supone siempre una …
probado dentro de un proceso. La elección del estándar de prueba supone siempre una …
Preponderance of the evidence versus intime conviction: A behavior perspective on a conflict between American and Continental European law
C Engel - Vt. L. Rev., 2008 - HeinOnline
Continental law is irrational. American law is irresponsible. These beliefs are the essence of
one of the few true conflicts between American common law and Continental Civil Law. At …
one of the few true conflicts between American common law and Continental Civil Law. At …
[КНИГА][B] Evidence, proof, and fact-finding in WTO dispute settlement
MT Grando - 2009 -
This book examines the process through which a World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute
settlement panel formulates its conclusions with respect to the facts of a case, ie the process …
settlement panel formulates its conclusions with respect to the facts of a case, ie the process …
Judicial errors and crime deterrence: theory and experimental evidence
The economic theory of crime deterrence predicts that the conviction of an innocent
individual (type I error) is as detrimental to deterrence as the acquittal of a guilty individual …
individual (type I error) is as detrimental to deterrence as the acquittal of a guilty individual …
Social norms and legal design
We consider legal obligations against a background of social norms, for example, societal
norms, professional codes of conduct, or business standards. Violations of the law trigger …
norms, professional codes of conduct, or business standards. Violations of the law trigger …
Jurisdictional fact
KM Clermont - Cornell L. Rev., 2005 - HeinOnline
Facts are facts. So, what kind of factual showing must the plaintiff make in order to establish,
say, personal jurisdiction in a civil case? Well, proof of such jurisdictional facts would appear …
say, personal jurisdiction in a civil case? Well, proof of such jurisdictional facts would appear …
Rules of proof, courts, and incentives
We analyze the design of legal principles and procedures for court decision making in civil
litigation. The objective is the provision of incentives for potential tort‐feasors to exert care …
litigation. The objective is the provision of incentives for potential tort‐feasors to exert care …
Identifying criminals' risk preferences
There is a presumption in the law and economics literature that criminals are more deterred
by the certainty of punishment than by the severity of punishment,'leading many legal …
by the certainty of punishment than by the severity of punishment,'leading many legal …
A utilitarian justification for heightened standards of proof in criminal trials
MC Mungan - Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics …, 2011 - JSTOR
This paper contributes to the interpretation of the standard of proof in criminal trials in two
ways. First, it provides a purely utilitarian explanation as to why there are asymmetric costs …
ways. First, it provides a purely utilitarian explanation as to why there are asymmetric costs …