The cost-effectiveness of raising teacher quality

SS Yeh - Educational Research Review, 2009 - Elsevier
Econometric studies suggest that student achievement may be improved if high-performing
teachers are substituted for low-performing teachers. Drawing upon a recent study linking …

Class size reduction or rapid formative assessment?: A comparison of cost-effectiveness

SS Yeh - Educational Research Review, 2009 - Elsevier
The cost-effectiveness of class size reduction (CSR) was compared with the cost-
effectiveness of rapid formative assessment, a promising alternative for raising student …

[HTML][HTML] Assessment practices and beliefs: Teachers' perspectives on assessment during long distance learning

F Ferretti, GRP Santi, A Del Zozzo, M Garzetti… - Education …, 2021 -
The COVID-19 crisis has strongly affected the school system. In Italy, at-distance forms of
didactics have been activated, changing the physiognomy of schools in terms of social …

Promoting formative assessment in a connected classroom environment: design and implementation of digital resources

A Cusi, F Morselli, C Sabena - ZDM, 2017 - Springer
This paper is based on a design-based research project investigating how to use digital
resources to help activate formative assessment processes in the classroom. Performed as …

[PDF][PDF] Develo** and Assessing Augmented Reality Applications for Mathematics with Trainee Instructional Media Designers: An Exploratory Study on User …

I Kazanidis, N Pellas - J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2019 -
Various interactive and innovative applications generated by Augmented Reality (AR)
technology have given great potentials in different learning subjects and specifically in …

Rethinking teachers' formative assessment practices within technology-enhanced classrooms

A Cusi, G Aldon, B Barzel, S Olsher - Handbook of Digital Resources in …, 2024 - Springer
In this chapter, we deal with the role of digital technologies in resha** teachers' formative
assessment (FA) practices. In particular, we present a model (the WHW-model) aimed at …

Formative assessment and technology: Reflections developed through the collaboration between teachers and researchers

G Aldon, A Cusi, F Morselli, M Panero… - … and technology: A …, 2017 - Springer
In this work, we present the analysis of the ways in which formative assessment processes
can be developed, by the teacher and the students, thanks to the support given by …

The key-roles of the expert during classroom discussions aimed at fostering formative assessment processes through the use of digital technologies

A Cusi, F Morselli - ZDM–Mathematics Education, 2024 - Springer
We study the experts' practices developed with the support of digital technologies (DT),
when they take aware in-the-moment decisions during classroom discussions to promote …

Designing for formative assessment: A toolkit for teachers

D Wright, J Clark, L Tiplady - Classroom assessment in mathematics …, 2018 - Springer
This paper describes the outcomes of the three-year design research project: Formative
Assessment in Science and Mathematics Education (FaSMEd)(http://www. fasmed. eu). Its …

Using online education to improve traditional classroom instruction: A blended learning approach

C Bacos, K Grove - Society for Information Technology & Teacher …, 2019 -
The authors will discuss instructional design strategies used to develop and redesign a
course offered in multiple formats: online, face-to-face, and hybrid. Teaching the same …