Household finance
The study of household finance is challenging because household behavior is difficult to
measure, and households face constraints not captured by textbook models. Evidence on …
measure, and households face constraints not captured by textbook models. Evidence on …
Household finance: An emerging field
Household finance—the normative and positive study of how households use financial
markets to achieve their objectives—has gained a lot of attention over the past decade and …
markets to achieve their objectives—has gained a lot of attention over the past decade and …
Household finance
Household financial decisions are complex, interdependent, and heterogeneous, and
central to the functioning of the financial system. We present an overview of the rapidly …
central to the functioning of the financial system. We present an overview of the rapidly …
Borrowing on the wrong credit card? Evidence from Mexico
We establish new facts about the way consumers allocate debt among their credit cards
using data for a representative sample of cardholders in Mexico. We find that relative prices …
using data for a representative sample of cardholders in Mexico. We find that relative prices …
Why are (some) consumers (finally) writing fewer checks? The role of payment characteristics
Since the mid-1990s, the US payment system has undergone a transformation featuring a
significant decline in the use of paper checks that is quite uneven across consumers and not …
significant decline in the use of paper checks that is quite uneven across consumers and not …
Credit card debt puzzles and debt revolvers for self control
Most US credit card holders revolve high-interest debt, often with substantial liquid and
retirement assets. We model separation of accounting from shop** allowed by credit …
retirement assets. We model separation of accounting from shop** allowed by credit …
[PDF][PDF] Household debt over the life cycle
Using data from the 2001 Survey of Consumer Finances, this study examines how the
holding of types and amounts of household debt changes over the life cycle. The results …
holding of types and amounts of household debt changes over the life cycle. The results …
Credit card redlining
This paper evaluates the presence of racial disparities in the issuance of consumer credit.
Using a database of credit histories, I link location-based information on race with individual …
Using a database of credit histories, I link location-based information on race with individual …
How consumers pay: Adoption and use of payments
Using data from a nationally representative survey on consumer payment behavior, we
estimate Heckman two-stage regressions on the adoption and use of seven different …
estimate Heckman two-stage regressions on the adoption and use of seven different …
New evidence on credit card borrowing and repayment patterns
A new dataset allows researchers to examine patterns of credit card use for both borrowing
and payoff. This article addresses changes in these behaviors for different birth cohorts by …
and payoff. This article addresses changes in these behaviors for different birth cohorts by …