Variable stiffness material and structural concepts for morphing applications
Morphing, understood as the ability to undergo pronounced shape adaptations to optimally
respond to a diversity of operational conditions, has been singled out as a future direction in …
respond to a diversity of operational conditions, has been singled out as a future direction in …
Plant-inspired adaptive structures and materials for morphing and actuation: a review
Plants exhibit a variety of reversible motions, from the slow opening of pine cones to the
impulsive closing of Venus flytrap leaves. These motions are achieved without muscles and …
impulsive closing of Venus flytrap leaves. These motions are achieved without muscles and …
Morphing skins
A review of morphing concepts with a strong focus on morphing skins is presented.
Morphing technology on aircraft has found increased interest over the last decade because …
Morphing technology on aircraft has found increased interest over the last decade because …
Realization of morphing wings: a multidisciplinary challenge
AMORPHING wing is a wing that changes shape in flight in a controlled manner to improve
aircraft performance. Although there exists a multitude of morphing-wing concepts …
aircraft performance. Although there exists a multitude of morphing-wing concepts …
Experimental characterization and static modeling of McKibben actuators
CS Kothera, M Jangid, J Sirohi, NM Wereley - 2009 -
McKibben actuators are pneumatic actuators with very high force to weight ratios. Their
ability to match the behavior of biological muscles better than any other actuators has …
ability to match the behavior of biological muscles better than any other actuators has …
Variable stiffness structures utilizing fluidic flexible matrix composites
In this research, the capability of utilizing fluidic flexible matrix composites (F2MC) for
autonomous structural tailoring is investigated. By taking advantage of the high anisotropy of …
autonomous structural tailoring is investigated. By taking advantage of the high anisotropy of …
Improving mechanical properties of molded silicone rubber for soft robotics through fabric compositing
Molded silicone rubbers are common in manufacturing of soft robotic parts, but they are
often prone to tears, punctures, and tensile failures when strained. In this article, we present …
often prone to tears, punctures, and tensile failures when strained. In this article, we present …
Designing fiber-reinforced soft actuators for planar curvilinear shape matching
Fiber-reinforced soft pneumatic actuators can generate a wide variety of deformation
behavior, making them popular in the field of soft robotics. Designing an actuator to meet a …
behavior, making them popular in the field of soft robotics. Designing an actuator to meet a …
Bioinspiration from fish for smart material design and function
Fish are a potentially rich source of inspiration for the design of smart materials. Fish
exemplify the use of flexible materials to generate forces during locomotion, and a hallmark …
exemplify the use of flexible materials to generate forces during locomotion, and a hallmark …
Analysis of nonlinear elastic behavior in miniature pneumatic artificial muscles
Pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs) are well known for their excellent actuator
characteristics, including high specific work, specific power, and power density. Recent …
characteristics, including high specific work, specific power, and power density. Recent …