[PDF][PDF] La formación ético-cívica y el compromiso social de los estudiantes universitarios.
C Naval, R García, J Puig… - Encounters on …, 2011 - dadun.unav.edu
Estamos siendo testigos en estas últimas décadas de una creciente preocupación
internacional por el escaso compromiso social de los jóvenes, que se manifiesta en su baja …
internacional por el escaso compromiso social de los jóvenes, que se manifiesta en su baja …
The effectiveness of social business plan competitions in develo** social and civic awareness and participation
More and more universities are now delivering courses and programs to develop social
awareness, but the literature on the effectiveness of these courses is currently very limited …
awareness, but the literature on the effectiveness of these courses is currently very limited …
'The unofficial curriculum is where the real teaching takes place': faculty experiences of decolonising the curriculum in Africa
This paper analyses faculty experiences tackling global knowledge asymmetries by
examining the decolonisation of higher education in Africa in the aftermath of the 2015 …
examining the decolonisation of higher education in Africa in the aftermath of the 2015 …
[PDF][PDF] Aproximación a la responsabilidad social universitaria: la respuesta de la universidad a la sociedad
CN Durán, MR Corbella - Bordón: revista de pedagogía, 2012 - dialnet.unirioja.es
En segundo lugar se afronta ya el caso concreto de la responsabilidad social universitaria,
partiendo de la necesaria dimensión social de la universidad, que la presenta como el reto …
partiendo de la necesaria dimensión social de la universidad, que la presenta como el reto …
The Opportunities and Challenges of Teaching Political Science in a Small Island Develo** State: The Case of Mauritius
SS Sookrajowa - Journal of Political Science Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Political Science is a relatively new subject in the Mauritian academic context. As a small
island develo** state located in the Indian Ocean, it has many interesting features from …
island develo** state located in the Indian Ocean, it has many interesting features from …
Opening spaces for citizenship in higher education: Three initiatives in English universities
T McCowan - Studies in Higher Education, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
While there has been widespread international attention paid to the promotion of citizenship
in schools, the civic dimension of higher education study has been less prominent. This …
in schools, the civic dimension of higher education study has been less prominent. This …
[KNYGA][B] Map** the Moral Geographies of Education: Character, citizenship and values
S Mills - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
This book explores the growth of 'character education'in schools and youth organisations
over the last decade. It delves into historical and contemporary debates through a …
over the last decade. It delves into historical and contemporary debates through a …
Citizenship, democracy and education in the UK: Towards a common framework for citizenship lessons in the four home nations
B Kisby, J Sloam - Parliamentary Affairs, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Citizenship has become a major topic for debate and the subject of public policy in recent
years, as academics and policy-makers across the Western world have tried to understand …
years, as academics and policy-makers across the Western world have tried to understand …
The effect of political science education on political trust and interest: Results from a 5-year panel study
Citizenship education has evolved substantially in recent decades, with a rapid proliferation
of education forms and approaches. The currently available evaluation studies, however, do …
of education forms and approaches. The currently available evaluation studies, however, do …
Introduction: L'éducation entre sociologie et science politique, des convergences contemporaines à leurs limites
L Barrault-Stella, G Goastellec - Éducation et sociétés, 2015 - shs.cairn.info
Introduction : L’éducation entre sociologie et science politique, des convergences
contemporaines à leurs limites | Cairn.info Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Cairn.info, Matières à …
contemporaines à leurs limites | Cairn.info Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Cairn.info, Matières à …