Cyberspace Identification Trust Authority (CITA) System and Method

RM Voltz - US Patent App. 13/761,313, 2013 - Google Patents
0001. This patent application is related to Provisional Patent Application No. 61/602,431—
Cyberspace Identifica tion Trust Authority Method, Non-Provisional patent appli cation Ser …

Electronic device and method for controlling the same

KIM Kokeun, SIM Sooyoung, K Shinjae… - US Patent 10,936,709, 2021 - Google Patents
& Birch, LLP (57) ABSTRACT An electronic device according to an embodiment of the
present disclosure may include a first biometric sensor configured to sense first biometric …

Image enhancement and feature extraction for ocular-vascular and facial recognition

V Gottemukkula, RR Derakhshani… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
Biometric enrollment and verification techniques for ocular vascular, periocular, and facial
regions are described. Peri ocular image regions can be defined based on the dimen sions …

Biometric template security and key generation

RR Derakhshani, V Gottemukkula… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND The present disclosure relates generally to biometric authentication and,
more particularly, to systems and meth ods for securing biometric templates and encoding …

Feature extraction and matching for biometric authentication

V Gottemukkula, RR Derakhshani… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND It is often desirable to restrict access to property or resources to particular
individuals. Biometric systems can be used to authenticate the identity of an individual to …

Biometric template security and key generation

RR Derakhshani, V Gottemukkula… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
H04L 9/08(2006. 01) H04L 9/14(2006. 01) GO6F 21/62(2013. 01) US CI. CPC... G06K
9/00597 (2013. 01); G06K 9/00617 (2013. 01); H04L 9/0822 (2013. 01); H04L 9/0866 (2013 …

Cyberspace Trusted Identity (CTI) Module

RM Voltz - US Patent App. 13/744,369, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT The Cyberspace Trusted Identity (CTI) module provides secure storage of a
cyberspace user's personal identity infor mation and a security infrastructure to guarantee …

Systems and methods for upgrading authentication systems

MK Mortensen - US Patent 9,619,633, 2017 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND The protection and security of customer information is Vital from an
organizations perspective, not only to comply with applicable laws, but to earn and keep a …

Device and method for biometric authentication

K Uno, Y Abiko - US Patent 9,792,420, 2017 - Google Patents
US9792420B2 - Device and method for biometric authentication - Google Patents
US9792420B2 - Device and method for biometric authentication - Google Patents Device and …

Authenticating identity for password changes

SL Greenspan, D Danielson, KWS Morrison… - US Patent …, 2018 - Google Patents
US10122706B2 - Authenticating identity for password changes - Google Patents
US10122706B2 - Authenticating identity for password changes - Google Patents …