Translanguaging in elementary science

C Lemmi, G Pérez - International Journal of Science Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
In a phenomenon known as translanguaging, multilingual learners draw freely from their
repertoires without regard for language boundaries. Although multilingual learners live their …

Science education with multilingual learners: Equity as access and equity as transformation

SE Grapin, A Pierson, M González‐Howard… - Science …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Research in science education with multilingual learners (MLs) has expanded rapidly. This
rapid expansion can be situated within a larger dialogue about what it means to provide …

Multilingual learners in science education

CA Buxton, O Lee - Handbook of research on science …, 2023 -
Since the publication of our chapter on English learners in science education in the last
edition of the handbook (Buxton & Lee, 2014), major developments have occurred in …

WIDA English language development standards framework, 2020 edition: Key shifts and emerging tensions

SE Grapin, O Lee - TESOL quarterly, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract In December 2020, the WIDA Consortium released the WIDA English Language
Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition. In the coming years, the 2020 Edition will …

Going beyond# RetireELL: A call for anti-colonial approaches to languages in STEM education

MA Takeuchi, S Kayumova… - Journal of research …, 2022 -
Projects aimed at retiring deficit-oriented naming imposed upon racially and linguistically
minoritized students (see García & Leiva, 2014 and a recent commentary by González …

“I am working 24/7, but I can't translate that to you”: the barriers, strategies, and needed supports reported by chemistry trainees from English-as-an-additional …

JM Deng, AB Flynn - Journal of Chemical Education, 2023 - ACS Publications
Having a shared language such as English facilitates the globalization of science, but it can
also limit science by posing barriers for those who have learned English-as-an-additional …

Justice-Centered STEM Education with Multilingual Learners: Conceptual Framework and Initial Inquiry into Pre-Service Teachers' Sense-Making

SE Grapin, A Haas, ND McCoy… - Journal of science teacher …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
When pressing societal challenges (eg, COVID-19, access to clean water) are sidelined in
science classrooms, science education fails to leverage the knowledge and experiences of …

Disciplinary Practices with Multilingual Learners in the Content Areas: Investigating Grasp of Practice in Fifth-Grade Science

SE Grapin, L Llosa, O Lee - Journal of Language, Identity & …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Contemporary conceptions of content learning that emphasize disciplinary practices offer
opportunities to see and hear multilingual learners'(MLs') participation in new ways …

Multilingual learners' epistemologies in practice in the context of computational modeling in an elementary science classroom

SE Grapin, A Haas, L Llosa, D Wendel… - Journal of research …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have spurred renewed interest in
the epistemologies that students adopt as they engage in science practices. One framework …

When a monolingual science teacher and multilingual girls engage in science sensemaking through translanguaging: A pedagogical practice, disciplinary tool, and …

S Kayumova, A Harper… - Journal of Research in …, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Multilingual youth, from nondominant communities, are often denied critical opportunities for
engagement in robust sensemaking due to deficit‐based perspectives and linguistic …