Trends in the research of modern terahertz detectors: plasmon detectors

T Otsuji - IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and …, 2015 -
Terahertz (THz) wave detectors include Golay cells, bolometers, pyroelectric detectors,
superconductor tunnel junction detectors (STJs), and Schottky-barrier diodes (SBDs). Of …

High performance ultra-thin niobium films for superconducting hot-electron devices

XQ Jia, L Kang, XY Liu, ZH Wang, BB **… - IEEE transactions on …, 2012 -
High-quality ultrathin film is the key element of hot-electron devices. Using a doped
sputtering target, high-performance niobium (Nb) ultrathin films are grown on high-resistivity …

Direct measurement of the electron energy relaxation dynamics in metallic wires

E Pinsolle, A Rousseau, C Lupien, B Reulet - Physical Review Letters, 2016 - APS
We present measurements of the dynamical response of thermal noise to an ac excitation in
conductors at low temperature. From the frequency dependence of this response function …

Antenna-coupled niobium bolometers for terahertz spectroscopy

DF Santavicca, MO Reese, AB True… - IEEE Transactions …, 2007 -
We report characterizations of antenna-coupled hot electron bolometers designed for
laboratory-based terahertz spectroscopy. These direct detectors combine sub-nanosecond …

Non-gaussian current fluctuations in a short diffusive conductor

E Pinsolle, S Houle, C Lupien, B Reulet - Physical review letters, 2018 - APS
We report the measurement of the third moment of current fluctuations in a short metallic
wire at low temperature. The data are deduced from the statistics of voltage fluctuations …

Temperature dependence of the receiver noise temperature and IF bandwidth of superconducting hot electron bolometer mixers

W Zhang, W Miao, JQ Zhong, SC Shi… - Superconductor …, 2014 -
In this paper we study the temperature dependence of the receiver noise temperature and IF
noise bandwidth of superconducting hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixers. Three …

Niobium direct detectors for fast and sensitive terahertz spectroscopy

MO Reese, DF Santavicca, DE Prober… - Review of Scientific …, 2007 -
We report the performance of a niobium hot-electron bolometer designed for laboratory
terahertz spectroscopy. The antenna-coupled detector can operate above 4.2 K and has fast …

Aging of ultra-thin niobium films

DF Santavicca, DE Prober - IEEE Transactions on Applied …, 2014 -
We characterize the evolution of the electrical properties of ultra-thin niobium films stored in
ambient conditions over a period of approximately seven months. Patterned films with …

[КНИГА][B] Bolometric response of superconducting microbridges and single-walled carbon nanotubes

DF Santavicca - 2009 -
This thesis is an experimental study of the electrothermal properties of two types of
microstructures, the superconducting microbridge and the single-walled carbon nanotube. A …

Hot electron bolometer sensors for millimetre-wave and terahertz wave detection

DB Northeast - 2011 -
The design and simulation of hot electron bolometer sensors for the detection of millimeter
and terahertz wave radiation is presented. These devices can be used for the formation of …