Statistical modeling of electrode based thermal therapy with Taguchi based multiple regression
In this research the effect of physical predictors for the electrode based thermal therapy were
considered and their effect on the final achieved temperature was quantified. For this …
considered and their effect on the final achieved temperature was quantified. For this …
Influence of graphene–carbon nanotubes and processing parameters on electrical and dielectric properties of polypropylene nanocomposites
In this study, the effect of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene nanosheets (GNs) on the
microstructure, electrical conductivity and relative dielectric permittivity of polypropylene (PP) …
microstructure, electrical conductivity and relative dielectric permittivity of polypropylene (PP) …
Tensile and flexural properties of MMT-clay/unsaturated polyester using robust design concept
The effect of nanoclay on the mechanical properties of Isophthalic unsaturated polyester
was studied with the help of robust design Concept. Organo modified MMT nanoclay …
was studied with the help of robust design Concept. Organo modified MMT nanoclay …
Optimization of Moulding Parameters on the Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Black/Graphite/Epoxy Composite for Bipolar Plateusing the Taguchi Method
Optimization of the moulding parameters on the carbon black/graphite/epoxy (CB/G/EP)
composite for bipolar plate application using the Taguchi method was carrying out. Moulding …
composite for bipolar plate application using the Taguchi method was carrying out. Moulding …
[PDF][PDF] Optimization of Moulding Parameters on the Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Black/Graphite/Epoxy Composite for Bipolar Application
H Suherman, MY Zakaria, AB Sulong, J Sahari -
Optimization of the moulding parameters on the carbon black/graphite/epoxy (CB/G/EP)
composite for bipolar plate application using the Taguchi method were carrying out …
composite for bipolar plate application using the Taguchi method were carrying out …
Modeling of the cancer thermal therapies from the perspective of parametric sensitivity and improved treatment planning
M Jamil - 2014 -
The scope of this thesis covers the improved efficacy of the thermal therapies of capacitive
hyperthermia and radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Additionally, it deals with the simulation of …
hyperthermia and radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Additionally, it deals with the simulation of …