Dual gauge field theory of quantum liquid crystals in two dimensions
We present a self-contained review of the theory of dislocation-mediated quantum melting at
zero temperature in two spatial dimensions. The theory describes the liquid-crystalline …
zero temperature in two spatial dimensions. The theory describes the liquid-crystalline …
Colloquium: Hydrodynamics and holography of charge density wave phases
The Colloquium reviews recent progress in the effective description of strongly correlated
phases of matter with spontaneously broken translations, such as charge density waves or …
phases of matter with spontaneously broken translations, such as charge density waves or …
Gauge theory for the cuprates near optimal do**
We describe the phase diagram of a 2+ 1-dimensional SU (2) gauge theory of fluctuating
incommensurate spin density waves for the hole-doped cuprates. Our primary assumption is …
incommensurate spin density waves for the hole-doped cuprates. Our primary assumption is …
Bad metals from fluctuating density waves
Bad metals have a large resistivity without being strongly disordered. In many bad metals
the Drude peak moves away from zero frequency as the resistivity becomes large at …
the Drude peak moves away from zero frequency as the resistivity becomes large at …
Nanoscale electrodynamics of strongly correlated quantum materials
Electronic, magnetic, and structural phase inhomogeneities are ubiquitous in strongly
correlated quantum materials. The characteristic length scales of the phase inhomogeneities …
correlated quantum materials. The characteristic length scales of the phase inhomogeneities …
Universal relaxation in a holographic metallic density wave phase
In this Letter, we uncover a universal relaxation mechanism of pinned density waves,
combining gauge-gravity duality and effective field theory techniques. Upon breaking …
combining gauge-gravity duality and effective field theory techniques. Upon breaking …
Symmetry-enforced fractonicity and two-dimensional quantum crystal melting
Fractons are particles that cannot move in one or more directions without paying energy
proportional to their displacement. Here we introduce the concept of symmetry-enforced …
proportional to their displacement. Here we introduce the concept of symmetry-enforced …
Dual gauge field theory of quantum liquid crystals in three dimensions
The dislocation-mediated quantum melting of solids into quantum liquid crystals is extended
from two to three spatial dimensions, using a generalization of boson-vortex or Abelian …
from two to three spatial dimensions, using a generalization of boson-vortex or Abelian …
Density wave probes cuprate quantum phase transition
In cuprates, the strong correlations in proximity to the antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state
give rise to an array of unconventional phenomena beyond high-temperature …
give rise to an array of unconventional phenomena beyond high-temperature …
Spin density wave order, topological order, and Fermi surface reconstruction
In the conventional theory of density wave ordering in metals, the onset of spin density wave
(SDW) order coincides with the reconstruction of the Fermi surfaces into small “pockets.” We …
(SDW) order coincides with the reconstruction of the Fermi surfaces into small “pockets.” We …