Repackaged sob sisters and outsiders within: reading the female and minority journalists on The Bold Type and The Morning Show

M De Wulf Helskens, F Dhaenens… - Feminist Media …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Female and minority journalists in fiction movies and series are underrepresented and often
framed as emotional, unstable, inexperienced, and unprofessional. These representations …

Media Circus and Mass Hysteria: The Representation of the Press in Flemish Fiction Series

MDW Helskens - Media & Jornalismo, 2024 -
Ao efetuar uma análise textual de cinco séries televisivas flamengas (Bélgica), este estudo
contribui para uma compreensão mais ampla da ficção jornalística europeia. Os resultados …

Türk sinemasında kadın gazeteci imajı: 1940-1980

B Ünal - Kastamonu İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020 -
Bu makale, Türk sinemasında 1940-1980 dönemindeki kadın gazeteci imajını ele
almaktadır. Sinemada kadın imgesi, özellikle de ilk dönemlerde, ataerkil ideolojiyle …

[PDF][PDF] Representatividad de la mujer en el cine, un análisis del contexto hacia un imaginario social para el reconocimiento femenino.

MT Gómez Ramírez - Quaestiones Disputatae, 2013 -
Este artículo presenta una investigación respecto de la representatividad de la mujer en el
cine en países latinoamericanos y de habla inglesa; se destaca el contexto, la temporalidad …

Veteran journalists and 'Vieilles Filles': how gender, age and journalism congregate in The French Dispatch

M De Wulf Helskens, F De Sutter - Feminist Media Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This study set out to understand how representational practices of journalism and age
congregate in the fiction movie The French Dispatch. Employing textual analysis, we found …

Análisis Psicosocial de las Nuevas Representaciones Sociales del Periodismo (Feminista): El Caso de The Morning Show

R Garrido, A Zaptsi, B Vera - Dígitos. Revista de Comunicación …, 2024 -
La televisión, como agente socializador, tiene la capacidad de promover, mantener y
desafiar las representaciones sociales que las audiencias construyen sobre ciertos temas y …

[PDF][PDF] 'Front Page'and 'Truth Searcher'Journalists: An Alternative Method of Categorizing Movie Journalists and Analyzing Narratives

B Ünal - The IJPC Journal, 2020 -
As the press is the “fourth estate” in democracies, the image of the journalist is vital for
maintaining public trust in this institution. This image, however, depends not only on …

The Post'ta kadın gazeteci imajı ve “Özgür Basın” miti

B Ünal - SineFilozofi, 2018 -
Özet Sinema, genel anlamda gazetecilere 1930'lardan, kadın gazetecilere de 1940'lardan
itibaren sıklıkla yer vermekte, filmlerde tekrarlanan basmakalıp karakter özellikleri ve …

[BOK][B] A Content Analysis of the Portrayals of Female Journalists Before and After the Second-Wave Feminist Movement

Z King - 2017 -
The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the possibility of a correlation between
the portrayals of female journalists portrayed in films before and after the second-wave …

Understanding the Portrayal of Occupations in Hindi Cinema

DM **e - 2012 -
Occupations are an important marker of one‟ s positioning in society. From a sociological
point of view, they often carry the baggage of issues like caste, class, gender, race, religion …