Application of microtremor horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (MHVSR) analysis for site characterization: State of the art
Abstract Nakamura (Q Rep Railway Tech Res Inst 30: 25–33, 1989) popularized the
application of the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) analysis of microtremor …
application of the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) analysis of microtremor …
Tectonosedimentary evolution of the coastal cordillera and central depression of South-Central Chile (36° 30′-42° S)
The forearc of south-central Chile (36° 30′-42° S) is characterized by the presence of a
Coastal Cordillera and a low lying area known as the Central Depression. The origin of …
Coastal Cordillera and a low lying area known as the Central Depression. The origin of …
The catastrophic effects of groundwater intensive exploitation and Megadrought on aquifers in Central Chile: Global change impact projections in water resources …
Central Chile is undergoing its most severe drought since 2010, affecting ecosystems, water
supply, agriculture, and industrial uses. The government's short-term measures, such as …
supply, agriculture, and industrial uses. The government's short-term measures, such as …
Groundwater resources and recharge processes in the Western Andean Front of Central Chile
Abstract In Central Chile, the increment of withdrawals together with drought conditions has
exposed the poor understanding of the regional hydrogeological system. In this study, we …
exposed the poor understanding of the regional hydrogeological system. In this study, we …
Evaluation of the impact of the intensive exploitation of groundwater and the mega-drought based on the hydrochemical and isotopic composition of the waters of the …
A hydrogeochemical and isotopic study has been carried out to understand the
hydrogeological functioning of a small alluvial aquifer in central Chile in a context of mega …
hydrogeological functioning of a small alluvial aquifer in central Chile in a context of mega …
Unravelling geological controls on groundwater flow and surface water-groundwater interaction in mountain systems: A multi-disciplinary approach
Mountain water resources are considered to be the world's water towers. Still, despite their
importance for downstream societies and ecosystems and their vulnerability to climate …
importance for downstream societies and ecosystems and their vulnerability to climate …
Deep characterization of the Santiago Basin using HVSR and cross-correlation of ambient seismic noise
Continuously recorded seismic ambient noise is used to investigate the intermediate and
deep structure of the Santiago Basin for seismic site-response evaluation. Single-station H/V …
deep structure of the Santiago Basin for seismic site-response evaluation. Single-station H/V …
High-Resolution Deformation Monitoring from DInSAR: Implications for Geohazards and Ground Stability in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago, Chile
Large urban areas are vulnerable to various geological hazards and anthropogenic
activities that affect ground stability—a key factor in structural performance, such as …
activities that affect ground stability—a key factor in structural performance, such as …
Two-dimensional simulation of the seismic response of the Santiago Basin, Chile
Results from an ambient noise tomography, gravimetric studies, and local geophysical
surveys are combined to develop three representative cross-sections of the Santiago Basin …
surveys are combined to develop three representative cross-sections of the Santiago Basin …
The crustal seismicity of the western Andean thrust (central Chile, 33°–34° S): Implications for regional tectonics and seismic hazard in the Santiago area
Most of the recorded seismicity in central Chile can be linked to the subduction of the Nazca
plate. To the east, a much smaller fraction is observed at 0–30 km depths beneath the …
plate. To the east, a much smaller fraction is observed at 0–30 km depths beneath the …