[PDF][PDF] Effects of research and internship experiences on engineering task self-efficacy on engineering students through an intersectional lens

AC Kusimo, ME Thompson, SA Atwood… - 2018 ASEE Annual …, 2018 - peer.asee.org
High-impact academic experiences, particularly research and internship experiences, have
positive impacts for engineering students on engineering task self-efficacy (ETSE), a …

'I wish I could do more': A qualitative meta-analysis of early career engineers' perceptions of agency in their workplaces

B Lutz, N Canney, S Brunhaver - Proceedings of the American Society of …, 2019 - par.nsf.gov
Engineering students graduate from their programs with a broad range of skills that are set
by professional societies, industry recommendations, and other stakeholders in student …

A narrative exploration of the influences of internship experiences on the identities of Black engineers

GA Dietz - 2022 - search.proquest.com
This project explored the effect of internship experiences on racial and engineering identity
development for nine Black engineering students, four women and five men. Four …

[PDF][PDF] К вопросу понятия" инженерная компетенция" в педагогической теории

АТ Фаритов - Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки, 2019 - s.science-pedagogy.ru
Инженерия, наука, технология и математика являются наиболее важными секторами,
которые необходимо учитывать для поддержания статуса экономики, основанной на …

Early career patterns, experiences, and influences: Reflections from women engineers in senior roles

MJ Marinelli, L Lord, S Male - Towards a new future in …, 2022 - upcommons.upc.edu
Early career experiences provide the foundation for career progression and inform career
choices and decisions. For women in the engineering profession, positive early career …

2018 BEST DIVERSITY PAPER: Effects of Research and Internship Experiences on Engineering Task SelfEfficacy on Engineering Students Through an Intersectional …

AC Kusimo, S Sheppard, ME Thompson… - 2019 ASEE Annual …, 2019 - peer.asee.org
High-impact academic experiences, particularly research and internship experiences, have
positive impacts for engineering students on engineering task self-efficacy (ETSE), a …

Develo** Interns into Full-Fledged Software Engineers

AI Muscalagiu, SO Custura… - 2024 IEEE International …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The experience paper presents our company's methodology behind the internship process
through which we aim to turn interns into full-fledged software engineers. Our principal …

Early-career engineers' perceptions of support for innovation at the workplace-what seems to matter

P Simon, TA Björklund, S Sheppard - Proceedings of the Design …, 2019 - cambridge.org
Previous research has shown the importance of contextual factors for increasing employee
innovativeness, but to effectively support innovative behavior, we need to also understand …

Transformative experiences in engineering practice: A basic qualitative study of the experiences of practitioners for nurturing engineering education

CA Sánchez Gómez - 2023 - repositorio.uniandes.edu.co
Research in engineering practice since 1984 indicates that doing engineering is a
sociotechnical activity mediated by cultural, material, and political arrangements …

[PDF][PDF] Quality and benefits of engineering industry placements: Insights from students and graduates

M Marinelli, S Ferns, M Calais… - … 2022: Beyond 2022 …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Engineering relevant work experience is required for graduation with a tertiary engineering
qualification from many Australian institutions. This requirement is frequently met by …