A precise splice-length model for reinforced concrete structures

M Rezaiee-Pajand, A Karimipour… - Proceedings of the …, 2022‏ - icevirtuallibrary.com
Various mathematical expressions have been proposed to evaluate or check the lapped
length in spliced bars subjected to tension in reinforced concrete members. In this work, 284 …

[PDF][PDF] Role of masonry infill in seismic resistance of RC structures

SEDF Taher, HMED Afefy - The Arabian Journal for Science and …, 2008‏ - researchgate.net
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of high rise infilled reinforced concrete framed systems involves
several intricate aspects [1]. These comprise the number of parameters characterizing the …

[ספר][B] An investigation of behavior and modeling of bond for reinforced concrete

J Li - 2010‏ - search.proquest.com
This research investigates bond between concrete and steel in reinforced concrete (RC)
using X-Ray tomography image data and nonlinear analysis, with the objective of …

A multi-fiber approach with directional stiffness matrix in reinforced concrete structures

B Yousefi, MR Esfahani… - Engineering …, 2020‏ - emerald.com
A multi-fiber approach with directional stiffness matrix in reinforced concrete structures |
Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish …

Statistically equivalent nonlinear finite element model for infilled RC framed systemsThe present work is an extension to the thesis of the first author for the Master of …

HM Afefy, SEDF Taher, AHA Khalil… - … Computations: Int J for …, 2002‏ - ingentaconnect.com
The most simple equivalent frame system with reduced degrees of freedom is proposed for
handling multi-story multi-bay infilled frames. The system is composed of homogenized …

[PDF][PDF] composite shear connection in partially steel sheath encased concrete filled beams

SF Taher - Sci. Bull. Fac. Eng., Ain Shams University, 2004‏ - researchgate.net
This investigation aims at pinpointing the interfacial shear characteristics in partially steel
sheath encased concrete filled composite beams. Experimentally observed behavior is …

[ספר][B] Finite element modeling of bond-slip relationship: Constitutive modeling and computational aspects

J Jiang - 2003‏ - search.proquest.com
This dissertation addresses the problem of finite element modeling of the bond-slip
relationship between deformed reinforcing steel and the surrounding concrete. The bond …

Statistically equivalent nonlinear finite element model for infilled RC framed systemsThe present work is an extension to the thesis of the first author for the Master of …

H Mohy Afefy, S El‐Din Fahmy Taher… - Engineering …, 2002‏ - emerald.com
The most simple equivalent frame system with reduced degrees of freedom is proposed for
handling multi‐story multi‐bay infilled frames. The system is composed of homogenized …


杨福芹, 王学志, 万震 - Journal of Mechanical & Electrical …, 2019‏ - search.ebscohost.com
针对预埋槽道技术受到国内各施工单位的重视并被逐渐采用, 但是存在理论研究滞后于工程实际
应用的问题, 以某预埋槽道为研究对象, 进行了有限元分析和结构优化研究 …