Aerogel based thermal insulating cementitious composites: A review
With the increase in global warming, the demand for more sustainable and thermal
insulating cement-based lightweight composite increases. From the past few decades …
insulating cement-based lightweight composite increases. From the past few decades …
Rice husk waste into various template-engineered mesoporous silica materials for different applications: A comprehensive review on recent developments
Following the discovery of Stöber silica, the realm of morphology-controlled mesoporous
silica nanomaterials like MCM-41, SBA-15, and KCC-1 has been expanded. Due to their …
silica nanomaterials like MCM-41, SBA-15, and KCC-1 has been expanded. Due to their …
Progress in silica aerogel-containing materials for buildings' thermal insulation
Silica aerogels hold remarkable properties, particularly their translucence/transparency and
extremely low thermal conductivity and density, for buildings thermal insulation purpose …
extremely low thermal conductivity and density, for buildings thermal insulation purpose …
Lightweight thermal insulating coating mortars with aerogel, EPS, and vermiculite for energy conservation in buildings
Mechanical, thermal, microstructural, and acoustic properties of optimized lightweight
coating mortars were analyzed. The fine aggregate was partially replaced by insulant …
coating mortars were analyzed. The fine aggregate was partially replaced by insulant …
An opinion paper on aerogels for biomedical and environmental applications
Aerogels are a special class of nanostructured materials with very high porosity and tunable
physicochemical properties. Although a few types of aerogels have already reached the …
physicochemical properties. Although a few types of aerogels have already reached the …
A novel synthesis of lightweight and high-strength green geopolymer foamed material by rice husk ash and ground-granulated blast-furnace slag
This study reports the preparation and characterization of alkali-activated slag based
geopolymer foamed material (GFM). The roles of rice husk ash (RHA) on thermal stability …
geopolymer foamed material (GFM). The roles of rice husk ash (RHA) on thermal stability …
Eco-hybrid cement-based building insulation materials as a circular economy solution to construction and demolition waste
The primary focus of this study is to develop non-structural ultra-lightweight circular building
insulation materials by utilizing a substantial amount of construction and demolition waste …
insulation materials by utilizing a substantial amount of construction and demolition waste …
Preparation and application of multi-source solid wastes as clean aggregates: A comprehensive review
J Wang, H Dong - Construction and Building Materials, 2024 - Elsevier
Fully utilizing regional resources such as marine sand, coral, and desert sand, along with a
diverse range of solid wastes from industries, agriculture, and urban areas, not only …
diverse range of solid wastes from industries, agriculture, and urban areas, not only …
Development of flowable ultra-lightweight concrete using expanded glass aggregate, silica aerogel, and prefabricated plastic bubbles
Low energy consumption buildings is one of effective responses to the challenge of climate
change. Lightweight cement-based composites with excellent thermal insulation and …
change. Lightweight cement-based composites with excellent thermal insulation and …
Effects of carbon nanotubes on expanded glass and silica aerogel based lightweight concrete
This study is aimed to investigate the effect of carbon nanotubes on the properties of
lightweight aggregate concrete containing expanded glass and silica aerogel. Combinations …
lightweight aggregate concrete containing expanded glass and silica aerogel. Combinations …