Economic growth and mental health in 21st century China

Q Wang, JAT Granados - Social science & medicine, 2019 - Elsevier
Though there are many inconsistencies in the literature, in market economies periods of
economic growth, ie, expansions, have been generally found associated with better mental …

Does austerity really kill?

V Toffolutti, M Suhrcke - Economics & Human Biology, 2019 - Elsevier
A growing body of the literature has argued that austerity has been bad for health, though
without directly measuring austerity. This paper explicitly distinguishes the association of …

State-level economic uncertainty and cardiovascular disease deaths: evidence from the United States

I Kyriopoulos, S Vandoros, I Kawachi - European Journal of Epidemiology, 2023 - Springer
The relationship between economic recessions and cardiovascular mortality has been
widely explored. However, there is limited evidence on whether economic uncertainty alone …

Health and health inequality during the great recession: Evidence from the PSID

H Wang, C Wang, TJ Halliday - Economics & human biology, 2018 - Elsevier
We estimate the impact of the Great Recession of 2007–2009 on health outcomes in the
United States. We show that a one percentage point increase in the unemployment rate …

Macroeconomic conditions and health in Britain: aggregation, dynamics and local area heterogeneity

K Janke, K Lee, C Propper, K Shields, MA Shields - 2020 -
We estimate a model that allows for dynamic and interdependent responses of morbidity in
different local areas to economic conditions at the local and national level, with statistical …

“Deaths of despair” over the business cycle: New estimates from a shift-share instrumental variables approach

C Lowenstein - Economics & Human Biology, 2024 - Elsevier
This study presents new evidence of the effects of short-term economic fluctuations on
suicide, fatal drug overdose, and alcohol-related mortality among working-age adults in the …

Is healthcare employment resilient and “recession proof”?

M Dillender, A Friedson, C Gian… - INQUIRY: The Journal …, 2021 -
Conventional wisdom often holds that the healthcare sector fares better than other sectors
during economic downturns. However, little research has examined the relationship …

Why Does Disability Increase During Recessions? Evidence from Medicare

C Carey, NH Miller, D Molitor - 2022 -
ABSTRACT Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) awards rise in recessions, especially for
older adults. Using Medicare data, we investigate whether this pattern is driven by changes …

Misfortunes never come singly: Consecutive weather shocks and mortality in Russia

V Otrachshenko, O Popova, P Solomin - Economics & Human Biology, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper examines the impacts of extremely hot and cold days on mortality in Russia,
using a 25-year regional panel data. Unlike other studies, the sequence of those extreme …

Causally-informative analyses of the effect of job displacement on all-cause and specific-cause mortality from the 1990s Finnish recession until 2020: A population …

S Zellers, E Azzi, A Latvala, J Kaprio… - Social Science & …, 2025 - Elsevier
Background Job loss is related to morbidity and mortality, but generation of causal evidence
is challenging due to confounding factors. Finland suffered a severe economic recession in …