Tree rings reveal unmatched 2nd century drought in the Colorado River Basin
S Gangopadhyay, CA Woodhouse… - Geophysical …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The ongoing 22‐year drought in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) has been
extremely severe, even in the context of the longest available tree‐ring reconstruction of …
extremely severe, even in the context of the longest available tree‐ring reconstruction of …
Pollen-based evidence of extreme drought during the last Glacial (32.6–9.0 ka) in coastal southern California
High resolution pollen analyses of sediment core LEDC10-1 from Lake Elsinore yield the
first well-dated, terrestrial record of sub-centennial-scale ecologic change in coastal …
first well-dated, terrestrial record of sub-centennial-scale ecologic change in coastal …
Holocene paleoclimate change in the western US: the importance of chronology in discerning patterns and drivers
Sediment in lakes and meadows forms a powerful archive that can be used to reconstruct
environmental change through time. Reconstructions of lake level, of chemical, biological …
environmental change through time. Reconstructions of lake level, of chemical, biological …
Prolonged California aridity linked to climate warming and Pacific sea surface temperature
California has experienced a dry 21st century capped by severe drought from 2012 through
2015 prompting questions about hydroclimatic sensitivity to anthropogenic climate change …
2015 prompting questions about hydroclimatic sensitivity to anthropogenic climate change …
A 9000-year flood history for Southern California: A revised stratigraphy of varved sediments in Santa Barbara Basin
Abstract The center of Santa Barbara Basin (SBB) preserves annual laminations through
most of the Holocene providing an important locality for high-resolution late Quaternary …
most of the Holocene providing an important locality for high-resolution late Quaternary …
Evidence for insolation and Pacific forcing of late glacial through Holocene climate in the Central Mojave Desert (Silver Lake, CA)
Silver Lake is the modern terminal playa of the Mojave River in southern California (USA).
As a result, it is well located to record both influences from the winter precipitation dominated …
As a result, it is well located to record both influences from the winter precipitation dominated …
Placing the Common Era in a Holocene context: millennial to centennial patterns and trends in the hydroclimate of North America over the past 2000 years
A synthesis of 93 hydrologic records from across North and Central America, and adjacent
tropical and Arctic islands, reveals centennial to millennial trends in the regional …
tropical and Arctic islands, reveals centennial to millennial trends in the regional …
Inferring climate variability from nonlinear proxies: application to palaeo-ENSO studies
Inferring climate from palaeodata frequently assumes a direct, linear relationship between
the two, which is seldom met in practice. Here we simulate an idealized proxy characterized …
the two, which is seldom met in practice. Here we simulate an idealized proxy characterized …
Prehistoric fires and the sha** of colonial transported landscapes in southern California: A paleoenvironmental study at Dune Pond, Santa Barbara County
Using a novel combination of paleoecologic proxies including pollen, non-pollen
palynomorphs (NPPs), macroscopic charcoal, and Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles …
palynomorphs (NPPs), macroscopic charcoal, and Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles …
A North American hydroclimate synthesis (NAHS) of the Common Era
This study presents a synthesis of century-scale hydroclimate variations in North America for
the Common Era (last 2000 years) using new age models of previously published multiple …
the Common Era (last 2000 years) using new age models of previously published multiple …