Moist orographic convection: Physical mechanisms and links to surface-exchange processes
This paper reviews the current understanding of moist orographic convection and its
regulation by surface-exchange processes. Such convection tends to develop when and …
regulation by surface-exchange processes. Such convection tends to develop when and …
100 years of progress on mountain meteorology research
RB Smith - Meteorological Monographs, 2019 -
Mountains significantly influence weather and climate on Earth, including disturbed surface
winds; altered distribution of precipitation; gravity waves reaching the upper atmosphere; …
winds; altered distribution of precipitation; gravity waves reaching the upper atmosphere; …
Flow adjustment inside and around large finite-size wind farms
KL Wu, F Porté-Agel - Energies, 2017 -
In this study, large-eddy simulations are performed to investigate the flow inside and around
large finite-size wind farms in conventionally-neutral atmospheric boundary layers. Special …
large finite-size wind farms in conventionally-neutral atmospheric boundary layers. Special …
LiDAR measurements for an onshore wind farm: Wake variability for different incoming wind speeds and atmospheric stability regimes
Wind measurements were performed with the UTD mobile LiDAR station for an onshore
wind farm located in Texas with the aim of characterizing evolution of wind‐turbine wakes for …
wind farm located in Texas with the aim of characterizing evolution of wind‐turbine wakes for …
Retrospective analysis of a nonforecasted rain-on-snow flood in the Alps–a matter of model limitations or unpredictable nature?
O Rössler, P Froidevaux, U Börst… - Hydrology and Earth …, 2014 -
A rain-on-snow flood occurred in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland, on 10 October 2011, and
caused significant damage. As the flood peak was unpredicted by the flood forecast system …
caused significant damage. As the flood peak was unpredicted by the flood forecast system …
Assessing hurricane rainfall mechanisms using a physics-based model: Hurricanes Isabel (2003) and Irene (2011)
We examine a recently developed physics-based tropical cyclone rainfall (TCR) model and
apply it to assess the mechanisms that dominate the magnitude and spatial distribution of …
apply it to assess the mechanisms that dominate the magnitude and spatial distribution of …
Influences of the South American low-level jet on the convective environment in central Argentina using a convection-permitting simulation
This study documents the spatial and temporal distribution of the South American low-level
jet (SALLJ) and quantifies its impact on the convective environment using a 6.5-month …
jet (SALLJ) and quantifies its impact on the convective environment using a 6.5-month …
Mechanical and thermal forcing for upslope flows and cumulus convection over the Sierras de Cordoba
NP Lareau, T Knopp… - Monthly Weather …, 2024 -
The upslope flow processes affecting the vertical extent of orographic cumulus convection
are examined using observations from the Cloud, Aerosol, and Complex Terrain Interactions …
are examined using observations from the Cloud, Aerosol, and Complex Terrain Interactions …
Orographic precipitation in coastal southern Chile: Mean distribution, temporal variability, and linear contribution
R Garreaud, M Falvey… - Journal of …, 2016 -
Abstract The Nahuelbuta Mountains (NM) are a semielliptical massif 1300 m high in coastal
southern Chile (37°–38° S) facing frontal storms that move from the Pacific. Mean …
southern Chile (37°–38° S) facing frontal storms that move from the Pacific. Mean …
Does strong tropospheric forcing cause large‐amplitude mesospheric gravity waves? A DEEPWAVE case study
Abstract On 4 July 2014, during the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment
(DEEPWAVE), strong low‐level horizontal winds of up to 35 ms− 1 over the Southern Alps …
(DEEPWAVE), strong low‐level horizontal winds of up to 35 ms− 1 over the Southern Alps …