Analysis of GaAsBi growth regimes in high resolution with respect to As/Ga ratio using stationary MBE growth

J Puustinen, J Hilska, M Guina - Journal of Crystal Growth, 2019‏ - Elsevier
The control of Bi incorporation and material properties in III-V-Bi alloys has proved
challenging due to their high sensitivity to the epitaxial growth parameters. Here, we present …

Dilute bismide and nitride alloys for mid-IR optoelectronic devices

S Wang, R Kudrawiec, C Chi, L Zhang, X Zhang… - Mid-infrared …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Dilute bismide and nitride provide flexible bandgap and strain engineering, owing to their
unique physical properties, and are attractive for mid-IR (2–12 μm) optoelectronic device …

Molecular-beam epitaxy of GaInSbBi alloys

O Delorme, L Cerutti, E Luna, A Trampert… - Journal of Applied …, 2019‏ -
We have grown GaInSbBi single layers and GaInSbBi/GaSb multiquantum well (MQW)
structures by molecular beam epitaxy. We observed that the addition of In strongly modifies …

Impact of localization phenomenon and temperature on the photoluminescence spectra of GaSbBi alloys and GaSbBi/GaAs quantum dots

T Hidouri, I Mal, DP Samajdar, F Saidi… - Superlattices and …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
In this work, the low temperature PL spectrum of GaSbBi ternary alloys and GaSbBi/GaAs
Quantum Dots (QDs) are investigated using two different mathematical models. The first …

Optical gain and threshold current density for mid-infrared GaSbBi/GaSb quantum-well laser structure

I Ammar, N Sfina, M Fnaiech - Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2021‏ - Elsevier
This work is focused on band structure engineering and optical proprieties of GaSbBi/GaSb
type I quantum well mid-infrared laser structure on GaSb substrate. Wherefore, the band …

GaSbBi alloys and heterostructures: fabrication and properties

O Delorme, L Cerutti, R Kudrawiec, E Luna… - … -Containing Alloys and …, 2019‏ - Springer
Abstract Dilute bismuth (Bi) III-V alloys have recently attracted great attention, due to their
properties of bandgap reduction and spin–orbit splitting. The incorporation of Bi into …

Incorporation du bismuth dans GaAs-Compréhension et maîtrise par couplage de mesures en temps réel de courbure et diffraction électronique

C Cornille - 2019‏ -
De nombreuses recherches sont menées pour étendre la gamme des dispositifs dans
l'infrarouge, autour de 1, 3µm dans le cas de la filière GaAs. Les alliages GaAsBi et dérivés …

Etude de l'incorporation de Bismuth lors de l'épitaxie par jets moléculaires de matériaux antimoniures

O Delorme - 2019‏ -
Le Bismuth, un élément V, a longtemps été négligé dans la famille des semi-conducteurs III
V. Toutefois, les matériaux bismures connaissent un intérêt croissant depuis le début des …