A review of microalgal biofilm technologies: definition, applications, settings and analysis
JH Moreno Osorio, A Pollio, L Frunzo… - Frontiers in Chemical …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Biofilm-based algal cultivation has many advantages over the conventional suspended
growth methods and has received increased attention as a potential platform for algal …
growth methods and has received increased attention as a potential platform for algal …
[HTML][HTML] Testing anti-biofilm polymeric surfaces: where to start?
Present day awareness of biofilm colonization on polymeric surfaces has prompted the
scientific community to develop an ever-increasing number of new materials with anti-biofilm …
scientific community to develop an ever-increasing number of new materials with anti-biofilm …
Physiological and morphological responses of green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris to silver nanoparticles
N Romero, FF Visentini, VE Márquez, LG Santiago… - Environmental …, 2020 - Elsevier
The toxic effects of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the physiology and morphology of the
green microalga Chlorella vulgaris were studied. AgNPs were characterized by particle size …
green microalga Chlorella vulgaris were studied. AgNPs were characterized by particle size …
Application of different drying methods for evaluation of phytochemical content and physical properties of broccoli, kale, and spinach
In this study, quality characteristics of broccoli, kale, and spinach dried with hot air drying
(AD), freeze drying (FD) and Refractance Window drying (RWD) were investigated …
(AD), freeze drying (FD) and Refractance Window drying (RWD) were investigated …
[KNJIGA][B] Co** with biological growth on stone heritage objects: methods, products, applications, and perspectives
D Pinna - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Co** with Biological Growth on Stone Heritage Objects: Methods, Products, Applications,
and Perspectives offers hands-on guidance for addressing the specific challenges involved …
and Perspectives offers hands-on guidance for addressing the specific challenges involved …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive quality analysis of different colors of medicinal and edible honeysuckle
Z Liu, Y Cheng, Z Chao - Foods, 2023 - mdpi.com
Honeysuckle (the dried flower bud or opening flower of Lonicera japonica Thunb.), a
medicinal and edible substance, has is greatly popular among consumers for its remarkable …
medicinal and edible substance, has is greatly popular among consumers for its remarkable …
[HTML][HTML] Development of a prototype of a colourimetric temperature indicator for monitoring food quality
Temperature greatly affects the food quality and safety. Temperature control is an important
condition during distribution and storage. An intelligent and biodegradable temperature …
condition during distribution and storage. An intelligent and biodegradable temperature …
Medium-term field evaluation of several widely used cleaning-restoration techniques applied to algal biofilm formed on a granite-built historical monument
This study evaluated the medium-term performance of some of the most widely used
methods of cleaning stone: dry brushing or washing with water or with an ethanol-water (1 …
methods of cleaning stone: dry brushing or washing with water or with an ethanol-water (1 …
Response of subaerial biofilms growing on stone-built cultural heritage to changing water regime and CO2 conditions
Like all objects exposed to the atmosphere, cultural heritage monuments and buildings must
face the effects of global change. Some of environmental factors that are predicted to …
face the effects of global change. Some of environmental factors that are predicted to …
Evaluation of the applicability of nano-biocide treatments on limestones used in cultural heritage
J Becerra, M Mateo, P Ortiz, G Nicolas… - Journal of cultural …, 2019 - Elsevier
One of the main problems in the conservation of historical buildings and archaeological sites
is the one caused by biodeterioration. Biopatina, biocrust or biofouling generate aesthetical …
is the one caused by biodeterioration. Biopatina, biocrust or biofouling generate aesthetical …