Computational image encryption techniques: a comprehensive review
Images contain very sensitive and confidential information. Because images play a
significant role in many applications such as military communication, remote‐sensing, and …
significant role in many applications such as military communication, remote‐sensing, and …
A review of single and multiple optical image encryption techniques
A Hazer, R Yıldırım - Journal of Optics, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Secure communication is of great importance in the modern world. Many methods,
techniques, and systems are used for secure communication, many of which cannot be used …
techniques, and systems are used for secure communication, many of which cannot be used …
Multi-image encryption scheme with quaternion discrete fractional Tchebyshev moment transform and cross-coupling operation
NR Zhou, LJ Tong, WP Zou - Signal Processing, 2023 - Elsevier
With quaternion theory, the traditional discrete fractional Tchebyshev transform is extended
to the quaternion algebra domain for multi-image processing. A new multi-image encryption …
to the quaternion algebra domain for multi-image processing. A new multi-image encryption …
Image encryption algorithm based on 2D hyperchaotic map
X Gao - Optics & Laser Technology, 2021 - Elsevier
It is well known that chaos is unpredictability and sensitivity to initial values and parameters.
It is a best choice for cryptography application. However, the existing chaotic cryptography …
It is a best choice for cryptography application. However, the existing chaotic cryptography …
A color image encryption and hiding algorithm based on hyperchaotic system and discrete cosine transform
X Wang, X Xu, K Sun, Z Jiang, M Li, J Wen - Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023 - Springer
Some existing image encryption schemes based on chaotic systems have various security
defects, such as non-uniform distribution of the chaotic system's phase trajectory, narrow …
defects, such as non-uniform distribution of the chaotic system's phase trajectory, narrow …
Image encryption scheme based on discrete cosine Stockwell transform and DNA-level modulus diffusion
ZW Huang, NR Zhou - Optics & Laser Technology, 2022 - Elsevier
A new image encryption scheme is presented by combining six-dimensional non-
degenerate discrete hyper-chaotic system, two-dimensional discrete cosine Stockwell …
degenerate discrete hyper-chaotic system, two-dimensional discrete cosine Stockwell …
New image encryption algorithm using hyperchaotic system and fibonacci q-matrix
In the age of Information Technology, the day-life required transmitting millions of images
between users. Securing these images is essential. Digital image encryption is a well-known …
between users. Securing these images is essential. Digital image encryption is a well-known …
An optical image encryption algorithm based on a fractional-order laser hyperchaotic system
In recent years, image encryption schemes based on optical methods have been extensively
studied. However, possible optical encryption methods in combination with fractional-order …
studied. However, possible optical encryption methods in combination with fractional-order …
Dynamic analysis of an improper fractional-order laser chaotic system and its image encryption application
The fractional-order chaotic systems have characteristics of the all chaotic systems,
however, the improper fractional-order chaotic systems have more complexity random …
however, the improper fractional-order chaotic systems have more complexity random …
A new image encryption scheme based on hybrid chaotic maps
A Pourjabbar Kari, A Habibizad Navin… - Multimedia Tools and …, 2021 - Springer
In this paper, a novel grayscale image cryptosystem based on hybrid chaotic maps is
proposed. The scheme employs both confusion phase to scramble the location of pixels and …
proposed. The scheme employs both confusion phase to scramble the location of pixels and …