Integrated optical frequency comb technologies
Optical frequency combs offer an unrivalled degree of frequency measurement precision
that underpins the advance of modern technology in both fundamental science and …
that underpins the advance of modern technology in both fundamental science and …
Erbium–ytterbium microlasers: optical properties and lasing characteristics
In this paper we present a comprehensive review of the work done by our group on diode-
pumped bulk erbium–ytterbium microlasers. Starting from an analysis of the optical …
pumped bulk erbium–ytterbium microlasers. Starting from an analysis of the optical …
On-chip optical comb sources
On-chip integration of optical comb sources is crucial in enabling their widespread use.
Integrated photonic devices that can be massmanufactured in semiconductor processing …
Integrated photonic devices that can be massmanufactured in semiconductor processing …
Ultrahigh-speed optical time-division-multiplexed transmission technology based on optical signal processing
S Kawanishi - IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 1998 -
Recent progress in optical time-division-multiplexed (TDM) transmission technologies is
reviewed including optical short pulse generation, time-division multiplexing/demultiplexing …
reviewed including optical short pulse generation, time-division multiplexing/demultiplexing …
Actively mode-locked semiconductor lasers
Measurements of actively mode-locked semiconductor lasers are described and compared
to calculations of the mode-locking process using three coupled traveling-wave rate …
to calculations of the mode-locking process using three coupled traveling-wave rate …
Long-wavelength monolithic mode-locked diode lasers
KA Williams, MG Thompson, IH White - New Journal of Physics, 2004 -
A detailed study of the design issues relevant to long-wavelength monolithic mode-locked
lasers is presented. Following a detailed review of the field, we have devised a validated …
lasers is presented. Following a detailed review of the field, we have devised a validated …
Monolithic colliding-pulse mode-locked quantum-well lasers
Integration of the whole mode-locked laser onto a single piece of semiconductor offers a
number of advantages, including total elimination of optical alignment processes, improved …
number of advantages, including total elimination of optical alignment processes, improved …
Mode-locking at very high repetition rates more than terahertz in passively mode-locked distributed-Bragg-reflector laser diodes
S Arahira, Y Matsui, Y Ogawa - IEEE journal of quantum …, 2002 -
We propose a technique for achieving mode-locking at very high repetition rates more than
terahertz with high output power using a distributed-Bragg-reflector (DBR) laser, including …
terahertz with high output power using a distributed-Bragg-reflector (DBR) laser, including …
All-fiber ultrafast laser generating gigahertz-rate pulses based on a hybrid plasmonic microfiber resonator
Ultrafast lasers generating high-repetition-rate ultrashort pulses through various mode-
locking methods can benefit many important applications, including communications …
locking methods can benefit many important applications, including communications …
Advances of semiconductor mode-locked laser for optical frequency comb generation
W Wei, J Chen, J Huang, Z Wang, J Zhang… - National Science …, 2022 -
Semiconductor mode-locked lasers (MLLs) can provide coherent optical frequency combs
(OFCs) with high repetition rates and output power, which have been recognized as …
(OFCs) with high repetition rates and output power, which have been recognized as …