Iron formations: A global record of Neoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic environmental history
Iron formations (IF) represent an iron-rich rock type that typifies many Archaean and
Proterozoic supracrustal successions and are chemical archives of Precambrian seawater …
Proterozoic supracrustal successions and are chemical archives of Precambrian seawater …
Greenalite and its role in the genesis of early Precambrian iron formations–A review
Iron formations are marine sedimentary rocks comprising Fe-rich and Si-rich bands that
were most widely deposited before~ 2.45 Ga, prior to the Great Oxidation Event (GOE). They …
were most widely deposited before~ 2.45 Ga, prior to the Great Oxidation Event (GOE). They …
Mars Science Laboratory CheMin data from the Glen Torridon region and the significance of lake‐groundwater interactions in interpreting mineralogy and sedimentary …
Abstract The Glen Torridon (GT) region in Gale crater, Mars is a region with strong clay
mineral signatures inferred from orbital spectroscopy. The CheMin X‐ray diffraction (XRD) …
mineral signatures inferred from orbital spectroscopy. The CheMin X‐ray diffraction (XRD) …
Marine phosphate availability and the chemical origins of life on Earth
Prebiotic systems chemistry suggests that high phosphate concentrations were necessary to
synthesise molecular building blocks and sustain primitive cellular systems. However …
synthesise molecular building blocks and sustain primitive cellular systems. However …
Micronutrient availability in Precambrian oceans controlled by greenalite formation
Metabolisms that evolved in the Archaean era (4.0–2.5 billion years ago) preferentially
selected iron, manganese and molybdenum to form metalloproteins, whereas the majority of …
selected iron, manganese and molybdenum to form metalloproteins, whereas the majority of …
Nanoparticulate apatite and greenalite in oldest, well-preserved hydrothermal vent precipitates
Paleoarchean jaspilites are used to track ancient ocean chemistry and photoautotrophy
because they contain hematite interpreted to have formed following biological oxidation of …
because they contain hematite interpreted to have formed following biological oxidation of …
[HTML][HTML] Hydrothermal vent fluid-seawater mixing and the origins of Archean iron formation
Precambrian iron formation provides valuable windows onto ancient marine environments,
but exactly how these Fe-and Si-rich chemical sedimentary rocks formed have remained a …
but exactly how these Fe-and Si-rich chemical sedimentary rocks formed have remained a …
Cycling phosphorus on the Archean Earth: Part II. Phosphorus limitation on primary production in Archean ecosystems
Several lines of evidence point to low rates of net primary production (NPP) in Archean
oceans. However, whether Archean NPP was limited by electron donors or nutrients …
oceans. However, whether Archean NPP was limited by electron donors or nutrients …
Fe (II)-carbonate precipitation kinetics and the chemistry of anoxic ferruginous seawater
The chemical evolution of anoxic seawater is chronicled in part by the abundance of
sedimentary Fe minerals. Our view of the chemical state of the oceans throughout much of …
sedimentary Fe minerals. Our view of the chemical state of the oceans throughout much of …
Primary productivity was limited by electron donors prior to the advent of oxygenic photosynthesis
To evaluate productivity on the early Earth before the advent of oxygenic photosynthesis, we
integrated estimates of net primary production by early anaerobic metabolisms as limited by …
integrated estimates of net primary production by early anaerobic metabolisms as limited by …