Human resources for health-related challenges to ensuring quality newborn care in low-and middle-income countries: a sco** review
Background: A critical shortage of health workers with needed maternal and newborn
competencies remains a major challenge for the provision of quality care for mothers and …
competencies remains a major challenge for the provision of quality care for mothers and …
Basic newborn care and neonatal resuscitation: a multi-country analysis of health system bottlenecks and potential solutions
C Enweronu-Laryea, KE Dickson, SG Moxon… - BMC pregnancy and …, 2015 - Springer
Background An estimated two-thirds of the world's 2.7 million newborn deaths could be
prevented with quality care at birth and during the postnatal period. Basic Newborn Care …
prevented with quality care at birth and during the postnatal period. Basic Newborn Care …
Knowledge of essential newborn care and associated factors among nurses and midwives: A cross‐sectional study at public health facilities in Wolaita zone, Southern …
A Arba, Z Zana - International journal of pediatrics, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Background. Knowledge of essential newborn care and proper practice is important for the
survival, growth, and development of a newborn. In spite of its essentiality, most health‐care …
survival, growth, and development of a newborn. In spite of its essentiality, most health‐care …
[PDF][PDF] Prevalence of birth asphyxia and associated factors among neonates delivered in Dilchora Referral Hospital
NA Ibrahim, A Muhye, S Abdulie - Dire Dawa, Eastern Ethiopia. Clin …, 2017 - academia.edu
Introduction: The greatest gap in new-born care is often during the critical first week of life
when most neonatal and maternal deaths often occur at home and without any contact with …
when most neonatal and maternal deaths often occur at home and without any contact with …
Essential newborn care practice and its predictors among mother who delivered within the past six months in Chencha District, Southern Ethiopia, 2017
Introduction Components of essential newborn care and neonatal resuscitation are proven
interventions for reducing neonatal mortality rate and stillbirth rates. Various studies have …
interventions for reducing neonatal mortality rate and stillbirth rates. Various studies have …
[PDF][PDF] Knowledge and practice of essential newborn care and associated factors among nurses and midwives working at health centers in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia …
BB Negussie, FB Hailu, AD Megenta - J Nurs Care, 2018 - academia.edu
Abstract Background: In Ethiopia, institutionalization of deliveries are happening at a fast
pace. Assessing the knowledge and practice of midwives and nurses in these institutions is …
pace. Assessing the knowledge and practice of midwives and nurses in these institutions is …
Impact of training on emergency resuscitation skills: Impact on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5
AM Gülmezoglu, TA Lawrie - Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & …, 2015 - Elsevier
Highlights•Improving resuscitation skills of health-care workers is vital to reduce preventable
mortality and morbidity.•Training programmes should include a commitment towards …
mortality and morbidity.•Training programmes should include a commitment towards …
Causes of and contributors to infant mortality in a rural community of North India: evidence from verbal and social autopsy
Objective To identify the medical causes of death and contribution of non-biological factors
towards infant mortality by a retrospective analysis of routinely collected data using verbal …
towards infant mortality by a retrospective analysis of routinely collected data using verbal …
Morbidité et facteurs de risque de mortalité néonatale dans un hôpital de référence de Douala
DCK Koum, NE Essomba, GP Ngaba, S Sintat… - Pan African Medical …, 2015 - ajol.info
Research Page 1 Page number not for citation purposes 1 Morbidité et facteurs de risque de
mortalité néonatale dans un hôpital de référence de Douala Danielle Christiane Kedy Koum1,2 …
mortalité néonatale dans un hôpital de référence de Douala Danielle Christiane Kedy Koum1,2 …
Evaluation of an educational program for essential newborn care in resource-limited settings: Essential Care for Every Baby
Abstract Background Essential Care for Every Baby (ECEB) is an evidence-based
educational program designed to increase cognitive knowledge and develop skills of health …
educational program designed to increase cognitive knowledge and develop skills of health …