Muscle architecture assessment: strengths, shortcomings and new frontiers of in vivo imaging techniques
Skeletal muscle structural assembly (and its remodeling in response to loading–unloading
states) can be investigated macroscopically by assessing muscle architecture, described as …
states) can be investigated macroscopically by assessing muscle architecture, described as …
[HTML][HTML] Advances in imaging for assessing the design and mechanics of skeletal muscle in vivo
Skeletal muscle is the engine that powers what is arguably the most essential and defining
feature of human and animal life—locomotion. Muscles function to change length and …
feature of human and animal life—locomotion. Muscles function to change length and …
Surface electromyographic amplitude does not identify differences in neural drive to synergistic muscles
Surface electromyographic (EMG) signal amplitude is typically used to compare the neural
drive to muscles. We experimentally investigated this association by studying the motor unit …
drive to muscles. We experimentally investigated this association by studying the motor unit …
[HTML][HTML] Biceps femoris long head sarcomere and fascicle length adaptations after 3 weeks of eccentric exercise training
Background Eccentric exercise increases muscle fascicle lengths; however, the
mechanisms behind this adaptation are still unknown. This study aimed to determine …
mechanisms behind this adaptation are still unknown. This study aimed to determine …
Ultrasound-derived biceps femoris long-head fascicle length: extrapolation pitfalls
PURPOSE To compare biceps femoris long-head (BFlh) fascicle lengths (Lfs) obtained with
different ultrasound-based approaches: 1) single ultrasound images and linear Lf …
different ultrasound-based approaches: 1) single ultrasound images and linear Lf …
Surface EMG cross talk quantified at the motor unit population level for muscles of the hand, thigh, and calf
Cross talk is an important source of error in interpreting surface electromyography (EMG)
signals. Here, we aimed at characterizing cross talk for three groups of synergistic muscles …
signals. Here, we aimed at characterizing cross talk for three groups of synergistic muscles …
Individuals have unique muscle activation signatures as revealed during gait and pedaling
Although it is known that the muscle activation patterns used to produce even simple
movements can vary between individuals, these differences have not been considered to …
movements can vary between individuals, these differences have not been considered to …
Neuromechanical coupling within the human triceps surae and its consequence on individual force-sharing strategies
Little is known about the factors that influence the coordination of synergist muscles that act
across the same joint, even during single-joint isometric tasks. The overall aim of this study …
across the same joint, even during single-joint isometric tasks. The overall aim of this study …
Individual differences in the neural strategies to control the lateral and medial head of the quadriceps during a mechanically constrained task
The interindividual variability in the neural drive sent from the spinal cord to muscles is
largely unknown, even during highly constrained motor tasks. Here, we investigated …
largely unknown, even during highly constrained motor tasks. Here, we investigated …
Coordination of hamstrings is individual specific and is related to motor performance
The torque-sharing strategies between synergistic muscles may have important functional
consequences. This study involved two experiments. The first experiment (n= 22) aimed 1) …
consequences. This study involved two experiments. The first experiment (n= 22) aimed 1) …