Adherence in hypertension: a review of prevalence, risk factors, impact, and management
M Burnier, BM Egan - Circulation research, 2019 -
The global epidemic of hypertension is largely uncontrolled and hypertension remains the
leading cause of noncommunicable disease deaths worldwide. Suboptimal adherence …
leading cause of noncommunicable disease deaths worldwide. Suboptimal adherence …
Poor medication adherence in type 2 diabetes: recognizing the scope of the problem and its key contributors
WH Polonsky, RR Henry - Patient preference and adherence, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
At least 45% of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) fail to achieve adequate glycemic control
(HbA1c< 7%). One of the major contributing factors is poor medication adherence. Poor …
(HbA1c< 7%). One of the major contributing factors is poor medication adherence. Poor …
Medication adherence measures: an overview
WY Lam, P Fresco - BioMed research international, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
WHO reported that adherence among patients with chronic diseases averages only 50% in
developed countries. This is recognized as a significant public health issue, since …
developed countries. This is recognized as a significant public health issue, since …
Medication adherence and its impact on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with comorbidity: A multicenter cross-sectional study in Northwest …
Background Medication nonadherence in patients with chronic diseases, particularly in type
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with comorbidity, has continued to be the cause of treatment …
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with comorbidity, has continued to be the cause of treatment …
Exercise reduces ambulatory blood pressure in patients with hypertension: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials
G Saco‐Ledo, PL Valenzuela… - Journal of the …, 2020 -
Background Although exercise training reduces office blood pressure (BP), scarcer
evidence is available on whether these benefits also apply to ambulatory blood pressure …
evidence is available on whether these benefits also apply to ambulatory blood pressure …
Current situation of medication adherence in hypertension
B Vrijens, S Antoniou, M Burnier… - Frontiers in …, 2017 -
Despite increased awareness, poor adherence to treatments for chronic diseases remains a
global problem. Adherence issues are common in patients taking antihypertensive therapy …
global problem. Adherence issues are common in patients taking antihypertensive therapy …
Evidence-Based Guideline for the management of osteoporosis in men
Historically, osteoporosis has been viewed as a disease of women, with research, trials of
interventions and guidelines predominantly focused as such. It is apparent, however, that …
interventions and guidelines predominantly focused as such. It is apparent, however, that …
When and how can real world data analyses substitute for randomized controlled trials?
Regulators consider randomized controlled trials (RCTs) as the gold standard for evaluating
the safety and effectiveness of medications, but their costs, duration, and limited …
the safety and effectiveness of medications, but their costs, duration, and limited …
Type 2 diabetes in the real world: the elusive nature of glycemic control
SV Edelman, WH Polonsky - Diabetes care, 2017 -
Despite US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of over 40 new treatment options
for type 2 diabetes since 2005, the latest data from the National Health and Nutrition …
for type 2 diabetes since 2005, the latest data from the National Health and Nutrition …
An examination of the socio-demographic correlates of patient adherence to self-management behaviors and the mediating roles of health attitudes and self-efficacy …
Background Patients with coexisting type 2 diabetes and hypertension generally exhibit
poor adherence to self-management, which adversely affects their disease control …
poor adherence to self-management, which adversely affects their disease control …