Harmonically mode-locked semiconductor-based lasers as high repetition rate ultralow noisepulse train and optical frequency comb sources
Recent experimental work on semiconductor-based harmonically mode-locked lasers
geared toward low noise applications is reviewed. Active, harmonic mode-locking of …
geared toward low noise applications is reviewed. Active, harmonic mode-locking of …
[HTML][HTML] Polarization maintaining harmonically mode-locked fiber laser with suppressed supermode noise due to continuous wave injection
We report on experimental studies of a SESAM mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser
completely spliced from polarization-maintaining fiber components. With the fiber mode spot …
completely spliced from polarization-maintaining fiber components. With the fiber mode spot …
Supermode noise mitigation and repetition rate control in a harmonic mode-locked fiber laser implemented through the pulse train interaction with co-lased CW …
We report on new, to the best of our knowledge, techniques enabling both the mitigation of
supermode laser noise and highly precise setting of the pulse repetition rate (PRR) in a …
supermode laser noise and highly precise setting of the pulse repetition rate (PRR) in a …
Harmonically mode-locked optoelectronic oscillator with ultra-low supermode noise
Z Zeng, Z Zhang, L Zhang, Y Wu, S Zhang, H Li… - Optics & laser …, 2022 - Elsevier
A harmonically mode-locked optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) based on a dual-loop
architecture is proposed to generate a microwave pulse train with ultra-low supermode …
architecture is proposed to generate a microwave pulse train with ultra-low supermode …
Mitigation of the supermode noise in a harmonically mode-locked ring fiber laser using optical injection
We report on a new, to the best of our knowledge,<? TeX 2pc 0pt?> technique enabling
mitigation of the supermode noise (and timing jitter) in a soliton harmonically mode-locked …
mitigation of the supermode noise (and timing jitter) in a soliton harmonically mode-locked …
Phase noise characteristics of microwave signals generated by semiconductor laser dynamics
Phase noise of the period-one (P1) nonlinear dynamical oscillation in an optically injected
semiconductor laser is numerically investigated. The P1 dynamics causes the laser output …
semiconductor laser is numerically investigated. The P1 dynamics causes the laser output …
Characterization of the noise and correlations in harmonically mode-locked lasers
In a harmonically mode-locked laser multiple optical pulses propagate inside the laser
cavity. The noise in different pulses inside the laser cavity is in general correlated …
cavity. The noise in different pulses inside the laser cavity is in general correlated …
Towards an optimum saturable absorber for the multi-gigahertz harmonic mode locking of fiber lasers
Ultra-high-pulse-repetition-rate lasers are essential for a number of applications, including,
eg, optical communication and ablation-cooled material processing. Despite several …
eg, optical communication and ablation-cooled material processing. Despite several …
Wavelength-tunable L-band mode-locked fiber laser using a long-period fiber grating
J Jiang, Q Huang, Y Ma, D Liao, Z Huang, L Dai… - Optics …, 2021 - opg.optica.org
We demonstrate an L-band wavelength-tunable passively mode-locked fiber laser using a
single long-period fiber grating (LPFG) as a narrow-band optical attenuator (NBOA) …
single long-period fiber grating (LPFG) as a narrow-band optical attenuator (NBOA) …
Harmonic and rational harmonic driving of microresonator soliton frequency combs
With demonstrated applications ranging from metrology to telecommunications, soliton
microresonator frequency combs have emerged over the past decade as a remarkable new …
microresonator frequency combs have emerged over the past decade as a remarkable new …