Parametric bulbous bow design using the cubic Bezier curve and curve-plane intersection method for the minimization of ship resistance in CFD
D Chrismianto, DJ Kim - Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2014 - Springer
Parametric geometric modeling plays an important role in ship's hull form optimization by
use of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis. However, it is difficult to create …
use of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis. However, it is difficult to create …
Reduction of resistance, fuel consumption and GHG emission of a small fishing vessel by adding a bulbous bow
T Szelangiewicz, T Abramowski, K Żelazny, K Sugalski - Energies, 2021 - mdpi.com
Protection of marine environment and reduction of GHG emissions are currently imperative
criterion for ship design. For ships in service, including fishing vessels powered by internal …
criterion for ship design. For ships in service, including fishing vessels powered by internal …
3-D numerical simulation of convoy-generated waves in a restricted waterway
SC Ji, A Ouahsine, H Smaoui, P Sergent - Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2012 - Springer
We consider waves generated by the passing of convoys in a restricted waterway. The
magnitude of these waves depends mainly on the geometrical and kinematical parameters …
magnitude of these waves depends mainly on the geometrical and kinematical parameters …
[PDF][PDF] FLUENT Code simulation of flow around a naval hull: the DTMB 5415
DA Jones, DB Clarke - 2010 - Citeseer
This report describes the application of the Fluent code to the numerical simulation of the
freesurface flow around a model naval ship; the DTMB 5415. Simulations were performed …
freesurface flow around a model naval ship; the DTMB 5415. Simulations were performed …
Development of cubic Bezier curve and curve-plane intersection method for parametric submarine hull form design to optimize hull resistance using CFD
Optimization analysis and computational fluid dynamics (CFDs) have been applied
simultaneously, in which a parametric model plays an important role in finding the optimal …
simultaneously, in which a parametric model plays an important role in finding the optimal …
Investigation of hydrodynamic lift & drag on an autonomous winged submarine using computational fluid dynamics
S Olmos, J de Lara, P Carrasco - Ocean Engineering, 2019 - Elsevier
In the current study it has been analyzed the submarine take-off and subsequent submarine
flight of a novel unmanned vehicle, has two operational modes: on sea surface as USV 1 …
flight of a novel unmanned vehicle, has two operational modes: on sea surface as USV 1 …
Prediction of Forces and Moments in Multiphase Naval Simulations
C Liu - 2020 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
This thesis investigates the prediction of forces and moments in the static and dynamic
planar motion mechanism (PMM) simulations of ship manoeuvring problems using the open …
planar motion mechanism (PMM) simulations of ship manoeuvring problems using the open …
Saturated backstep** control for boat with disturbance estimator
Z Yu - 2016 Chinese Control and Decision Conference …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper address the problem of driving an underactuated ship to following a desired path
under current disturbance. Based on a practical ship, the dam** force should be nonlinear …
under current disturbance. Based on a practical ship, the dam** force should be nonlinear …
The application of computational fluid dynamics simulation technique to ocean boat anti-disturbance tracking controller
Z Yu, SF Wong - International Journal of Advanced Robotic …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
This article presents the verification problem of estimating boat hull dam** parameters
using the computational fluid dynamics technique. In addition, a Lyapunov-based path …
using the computational fluid dynamics technique. In addition, a Lyapunov-based path …
[Књига][B] Wave energy conversion based on multi-mode line absorbing systems
EC Moreno - 2015 - search.proquest.com
Wave energy conversion remains a promising technology with substantial renewable
resources to be exploited in many parts of the world. However to be commercially attractive …
resources to be exploited in many parts of the world. However to be commercially attractive …