The Miocene: The future of the past
Abstract The Miocene epoch (23.03–5.33 Ma) was a time interval of global warmth, relative
to today. Continental configurations and mountain topography transitioned toward modern …
to today. Continental configurations and mountain topography transitioned toward modern …
Biodiversity and topographic complexity: modern and geohistorical perspectives
Topographically complex regions on land and in the oceans feature hotspots of biodiversity
that reflect geological influences on ecological and evolutionary processes. Over geologic …
that reflect geological influences on ecological and evolutionary processes. Over geologic …
Evolution of grasses and grassland ecosystems
CAE Strömberg - Annual review of Earth and planetary sciences, 2011 - annualreviews.org
The evolution and subsequent ecological expansion of grasses (Poaceae) since the Late
Cretaceous have resulted in the establishment of one of Earth's dominant biomes, the …
Cretaceous have resulted in the establishment of one of Earth's dominant biomes, the …
Evidence for adaptation to fire regimes in the tropical savannas of the Brazilian Cerrado
A recent controversy concerns whether plant traits that are assumed to be adaptations to fire
originally evolved in response to selective factors other than fire. We contribute to this …
originally evolved in response to selective factors other than fire. We contribute to this …
Oldest evidence of abundant C4 grasses and habitat heterogeneity in eastern Africa
The assembly of Africa's iconic C4 grassland ecosystems is central to evolutionary
interpretations of many mammal lineages, including hominins. C4 grasses are thought to …
interpretations of many mammal lineages, including hominins. C4 grasses are thought to …
Dietary changes of large herbivores in the Turkana Basin, Kenya from 4 to 1 Ma
A large stable isotope dataset from East and Central Africa from ca. 30 regional collection
sites that range from forest to grassland shows that most extant East and Central African …
sites that range from forest to grassland shows that most extant East and Central African …
Phytoliths in paleoecology: analytical considerations, current use, and future directions
Phytoliths, microscopic plant silica bodies, are often preserved in modern and fossil soils
and sediment, as well as in archaeological contexts. They record unique characteristics of …
and sediment, as well as in archaeological contexts. They record unique characteristics of …
Decoupling the spread of grasslands from the evolution of grazer-type herbivores in South America
The evolution of high-crowned cheek teeth (hypsodonty) in herbivorous mammals during the
late Cenozoic is classically regarded as an adaptive response to the near-global spread of …
late Cenozoic is classically regarded as an adaptive response to the near-global spread of …
Late Cretaceous origin of the rice tribe provides evidence for early diversification in Poaceae
Rice and its relatives are a focal point in agricultural and evolutionary science, but a paucity
of fossils has obscured their deep-time history. Previously described cuticles with silica …
of fossils has obscured their deep-time history. Previously described cuticles with silica …
Asian monsoon rainfall variation during the Pliocene forced by global temperature change
The Asian monsoon variations under global temperature changes during the Pliocene are
still debated. Here we use a sedimentary record of phytoliths (plant silica) from the Weihe …
still debated. Here we use a sedimentary record of phytoliths (plant silica) from the Weihe …