Variational methods in relativistic quantum mechanics

M Esteban, M Lewin, E Séré - Bulletin of the American Mathematical …, 2008 -
This review is devoted to the study of stationary solutions of linear and nonlinear equations
from relativistic quantum mechanics, involving the Dirac operator. The solutions are found as …

Hyperbolic methods for Einstein's equations

OA Reula - Living Reviews in Relativity, 1998 - Springer
I review evolutionary aspects of general relativity, in particular those related to the hyperbolic
character of the field equations and to the applications or consequences that this property …

[PDF][PDF] The global nonlinear stability of the Minkowski space

D Christodoulou, S Klainerman - Séminaire Équations aux dérivées …, 1993 -
Christodoulou, D.; Klainerman, S. The global nonlinear stability of the Minkowski space.
Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles (Polytechnique) dit aussi" Séminaire Goulaouic …

Wave equations estimates and the nonlinear stability of slowly rotating Kerr black holes

E Giorgi, S Klainerman, J Szeftel - arxiv preprint arxiv:2205.14808, 2022 -
This is the last part of our proof of the nonlinear stability of the Kerr family for small angular
momentum, ie $| a|/m\ll 1$, in which we deal with the nonlinear wave type estimates needed …

The affine Sobolev inequality

G Zhang - Journal of Differential Geometry, 1999 -
The Sobolev inequality is one of the fundamental inequalities connecting analysis and
geometry. The literature related to it is vast (see, for example,[1],[5],[7],[3],[6],[11],[12],[19],[22] …

Global nonlinear stability of Schwarzschild spacetime under polarized perturbations:(AMS-210)

S Klainerman, J Szeftel - 2020 -
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 Annals of Mathematics Studies Number 210 Page 3 Page 4 Global
Nonlinear Stability of Schwarzschild Spacetime under Polarized Perturbations Sergiu Klainerman …

[CARTE][B] The evolution problem in general relativity

S Klainerman, F Nicolò - 2012 -
The main goal of this work is to revisit the proof of the global stability of Minkowski space by
D. Christodoulou and S. Klainerman,[Ch-KI]. We provide a new self-contained proof of the …

Local decay of waves on asymptotically flat stationary space-times

D Tataru - American Journal of Mathematics, 2013 -
In this article we study the pointwise decay properties of solutions to the wave equation on a
class of stationary asymptotically flat backgrounds in three space dimensions. Under the …

[HTML][HTML] Price's law on nonstationary space–times

J Metcalfe, D Tataru, M Tohaneanu - Advances in Mathematics, 2012 - Elsevier
In this article, we study the pointwise decay properties of solutions to the wave equation on a
class of nonstationary asymptotically flat backgrounds in three space dimensions. Under the …

The global nonlinear stability of Minkowski space for self-gravitating massive fields: the wave-Klein–Gordon model

PG LeFloch, Y Ma - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2016 - Springer
Abstract The Hyperboloidal Foliation Method (introduced by the authors in 2014) is
extended here and applied to the Einstein equations of general relativity. Specifically, we …