Variational methods in relativistic quantum mechanics
This review is devoted to the study of stationary solutions of linear and nonlinear equations
from relativistic quantum mechanics, involving the Dirac operator. The solutions are found as …
from relativistic quantum mechanics, involving the Dirac operator. The solutions are found as …
Hyperbolic methods for Einstein's equations
OA Reula - Living Reviews in Relativity, 1998 - Springer
I review evolutionary aspects of general relativity, in particular those related to the hyperbolic
character of the field equations and to the applications or consequences that this property …
character of the field equations and to the applications or consequences that this property …
[PDF][PDF] The global nonlinear stability of the Minkowski space
D Christodoulou, S Klainerman - Séminaire Équations aux dérivées …, 1993 - numdam.org
Christodoulou, D.; Klainerman, S. The global nonlinear stability of the Minkowski space.
Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles (Polytechnique) dit aussi" Séminaire Goulaouic …
Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles (Polytechnique) dit aussi" Séminaire Goulaouic …
Wave equations estimates and the nonlinear stability of slowly rotating Kerr black holes
This is the last part of our proof of the nonlinear stability of the Kerr family for small angular
momentum, ie $| a|/m\ll 1$, in which we deal with the nonlinear wave type estimates needed …
momentum, ie $| a|/m\ll 1$, in which we deal with the nonlinear wave type estimates needed …
The affine Sobolev inequality
G Zhang - Journal of Differential Geometry, 1999 - projecteuclid.org
The Sobolev inequality is one of the fundamental inequalities connecting analysis and
geometry. The literature related to it is vast (see, for example,[1],[5],[7],[3],[6],[11],[12],[19],[22] …
geometry. The literature related to it is vast (see, for example,[1],[5],[7],[3],[6],[11],[12],[19],[22] …
Global nonlinear stability of Schwarzschild spacetime under polarized perturbations:(AMS-210)
S Klainerman, J Szeftel - 2020 - torrossa.com
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 Annals of Mathematics Studies Number 210 Page 3 Page 4 Global
Nonlinear Stability of Schwarzschild Spacetime under Polarized Perturbations Sergiu Klainerman …
Nonlinear Stability of Schwarzschild Spacetime under Polarized Perturbations Sergiu Klainerman …
[CARTE][B] The evolution problem in general relativity
S Klainerman, F Nicolò - 2012 - books.google.com
The main goal of this work is to revisit the proof of the global stability of Minkowski space by
D. Christodoulou and S. Klainerman,[Ch-KI]. We provide a new self-contained proof of the …
D. Christodoulou and S. Klainerman,[Ch-KI]. We provide a new self-contained proof of the …
Local decay of waves on asymptotically flat stationary space-times
D Tataru - American Journal of Mathematics, 2013 - muse.jhu.edu
In this article we study the pointwise decay properties of solutions to the wave equation on a
class of stationary asymptotically flat backgrounds in three space dimensions. Under the …
class of stationary asymptotically flat backgrounds in three space dimensions. Under the …
[HTML][HTML] Price's law on nonstationary space–times
In this article, we study the pointwise decay properties of solutions to the wave equation on a
class of nonstationary asymptotically flat backgrounds in three space dimensions. Under the …
class of nonstationary asymptotically flat backgrounds in three space dimensions. Under the …
The global nonlinear stability of Minkowski space for self-gravitating massive fields: the wave-Klein–Gordon model
PG LeFloch, Y Ma - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2016 - Springer
Abstract The Hyperboloidal Foliation Method (introduced by the authors in 2014) is
extended here and applied to the Einstein equations of general relativity. Specifically, we …
extended here and applied to the Einstein equations of general relativity. Specifically, we …