An optimized collaborative scheduling algorithm for prioritized tasks with shared resources in mobile-edge and cloud computing systems
Mobile edge computing (MEC) is a promising technology that has the potential to meet the
latency requirements of next-generation mobile networks. Since MEC servers have limited …
latency requirements of next-generation mobile networks. Since MEC servers have limited …
[PDF][PDF] An optimized shortest job first scheduling algorithm for CPU scheduling
M Hamayun, H Khurshid - J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci, 2015 - researchgate.net
Modern operating systems switch from single task environment to multitask environment.
Maximizing the resource utilization is the demand of today's computing. There are number of …
Maximizing the resource utilization is the demand of today's computing. There are number of …
[PDF][PDF] Dynamic task-scheduling in grid computing using prioritized round robin algorithm
S Bansal, B Kothari, C Hota - … Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 2011 - Citeseer
Over the years, grid computing has emerged as one of the most viable and scalable
alternatives to high performance supercomputing, tap** into computing power of the order …
alternatives to high performance supercomputing, tap** into computing power of the order …
An efficient data packet scheduling schemes in wireless sensor networks
R Gomathi, N Mahendran - 2015 2nd International Conference …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are designed for data gathering, processing and
transmitting with particular requirements: low hardware complexity, low energy consumption …
transmitting with particular requirements: low hardware complexity, low energy consumption …
[PDF][PDF] A cluster based job scheduling algorithm for grid computing
Grid computing enables sharing, selection and aggregation of computing resources for
solving complex and large-scale scientific problems. The resources making up a grid need …
solving complex and large-scale scientific problems. The resources making up a grid need …
A novel CPU scheduling with variable time quantum based on mean difference of burst time
CPU scheduling has significant contribution in efficient utilization of computer resources and
increases the system performance by switching the CPU among the various processes …
increases the system performance by switching the CPU among the various processes …
Comparative analysis of CPU scheduling algorithms and their optimal solutions
MR Reddy, V Ganesh, S Lakshmi… - 2019 3rd International …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Scheduling is one of the primary functions of an operating system (OS). In multiprogramming
system, multiple processes in the main memory exist concurrently. The goal of Central …
system, multiple processes in the main memory exist concurrently. The goal of Central …
Dynamic multilevel hybrid scheduling algorithms for grid computing
A 'Grid'is an infrastructure for resource sharing. It is used for large-scale data processing,
many of the applications being scientific ones. Grid scheduling is a vital component of a Grid …
many of the applications being scientific ones. Grid scheduling is a vital component of a Grid …
Analysis and evaluation of grid scheduling algorithms using real workload traces
Computational grid has the potential for solving large-scale scientific problems using
distributed resources. Grid scheduling is a vital component of a Computational Grid …
distributed resources. Grid scheduling is a vital component of a Computational Grid …
BigThrill: MPI-based Data Processing Engine
A Khartikova, D Shaikhislamov, I Timokhin… - 2024 IEEE 31st …, 2024 - computer.org
Several engines have been proposed already to analyze data coming from multiple sources,
known as Big Data, with the most common approach being the Map Reduce model, which is …
known as Big Data, with the most common approach being the Map Reduce model, which is …