Political ideology: Its structure, functions, and elective affinities
Ideology has re-emerged as an important topic of inquiry among social, personality, and
political psychologists. In this review, we examine recent theory and research concerning …
political psychologists. In this review, we examine recent theory and research concerning …
In pursuit of three theories: Authoritarianism, relative deprivation, and intergroup contact
TF Pettigrew - Annual review of psychology, 2016 - annualreviews.org
Throughout my career, I have pursued three theories related to intergroup prejudice—each
with a different mentor. Each theory and its supporting research help us to understand …
with a different mentor. Each theory and its supporting research help us to understand …
Political ideology as motivated social cognition: Behavioral and neuroscientific evidence
Ideology is a potent motivational force; human beings are capable of committing atrocities
(as well as acts of generosity and courage) and sacrificing even their own lives for the sake …
(as well as acts of generosity and courage) and sacrificing even their own lives for the sake …
Parasite-stress promotes in-group assortative sociality: The cases of strong family ties and heightened religiosity
Throughout the world people differ in the magnitude with which they value strong family ties
or heightened religiosity. We propose that this cross-cultural variation is a result of a …
or heightened religiosity. We propose that this cross-cultural variation is a result of a …
Intergroup consensus/disagreement in support of group-based hierarchy: an examination of socio-structural and psycho-cultural factors.
A meta-analysis examined the extent to which socio-structural and psycho-cultural
characteristics of societies correspond with how much gender and ethnic/racial groups differ …
characteristics of societies correspond with how much gender and ethnic/racial groups differ …
Associations of political orientation, xenophobia, right-wing authoritarianism, and concern of COVID-19: Cognitive responses to an actual pathogen threat
F Pazhoohi, A Kingstone - Personality and Individual Differences, 2021 - Elsevier
Previous research has related the existence of pathogenic threat to an individual's social
cognition, with people avoiding physical interactions with those who have potential …
cognition, with people avoiding physical interactions with those who have potential …
Political leanings vary with facial expression processing and psychosocial functioning
JM Vigil - Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
Conservative, Republican sympathizers show heightened threat reactivity, but greater felt
happiness than liberal, Democrat sympathizers. Recent evolutionary models interpret these …
happiness than liberal, Democrat sympathizers. Recent evolutionary models interpret these …
[CARTE][B] George W. Bush and the redemptive dream: A psychological portrait
DP McAdams - 2010 - books.google.com
George W. Bush remains a highly controversial figure, a man for whom millions of
Americans have very strong feelings. Dan McAdams' book offers an astute psychological …
Americans have very strong feelings. Dan McAdams' book offers an astute psychological …
Eriksonian lifespan theory and life history theory: An integration using the example of identity formation
CS Dunkel, JA Sefcek - Review of general psychology, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
Furthering the cause of consilience in the social sciences a model is proposed in which
Eriksonian life span theory and life history theory are integrated. The model explains …
Eriksonian life span theory and life history theory are integrated. The model explains …
Convergent validity of measures of life-history strategy
CS Dunkel, M Decker - Personality and Individual Differences, 2010 - Elsevier
Using a sample of 236 young and middle adulthood participants, the convergent validity of
five measures of life-history strategy was examined. The results suggest that the two …
five measures of life-history strategy was examined. The results suggest that the two …